Tioga Cruise Data

The R/V Tioga is an aluminum hulled coastal research vessel that serves ocean scientists and engineers working in the waters off the Northeastern United States. Tioga is owned by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and has been in operation since 2004.
Metadata for the vessels cruises since 2010 have been collected here. As more metadata is collected, this page will be updated. This metadata list is maintained by the DLA, based on the cruise.metadata file provided by the Tioga. Underway data is linked below.

Contact the Data Librarian, Audrey Mickle (amickle@whoi.edu) for questions about Tioga data and metadata.

Use the fields below to search by available Cruise ID, Year, Area Description, Project Description, or Availability of CTD Data.

December 2010
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti497 2010-12-30 Acoustic Moorings K. Ball South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data CTD Data
November 2010
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti496 2010-11-30 MAST R. Geyer rgeyer@whoi.edu Hudson River, Connecticutt River Underway Data
ti494 2010-11-16 ASIT Airside and Dive ops J. Sisson South of MV/MVCO Underway Data CTD Data
ti495 2010-11-11 Tripod Recoveries/CTD/REMUS Glenn Gawarkiewicz Outer Cape Underway Data CTD Data
ti493 2010-11-05 REMUS Greg Packard Great Harbor Underway Data
ti492 2010-11-04 REMUS Greg Packard Great Harbor Underway Data
October 2010
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti491 2010-10-28 TSS-03 Deployment K. Newhall Mass Bay Underway Data
ti488 2010-10-24 ASIT/ FloCytobot A. Shalapyonok South of MV/ MVCO Underway Data
ti487 2010-10-11 12m Node and FloCytobot Swap J. Sisson South of MV Underway Data
ti468 2010-10-09 Education H. Clifford (hclifford@whoi.edu) Buzzards Bay Underway Data
September 2010
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti485 2010-09-21 Coring M. BOthner Boston Harbor Underway Data
ti484 2010-09-16 MVCO/ASIT J. Sisson S of MV Underway Data CTD Data
ti482 2010-09-13 Go-Flo/Multi-Corer D. McCorkle Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti481 2010-09-10 Sea Sled Trials H. Singh Vinyard Sound Underway Data
ti480 2010-09-10 Corer Testing B. Keafer Great Harbor Underway Data
ti479 2010-09-07 Sound Area: Underway Data
ti478 2010-09-01 REMUS/ SSAM A. Girard Buzzards Bay Underway Data
August 2010
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti477 2010-08-31 REMUS/ SSAM A. Girard Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti476 2010-08-30 REMUS Ops A. Girard Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti475 2010-08-27 MVCO/ASIT dive ops J. Sisson MVCO/ASIT Underway Data
ti473 2010-08-20 MVCO MVCO Underway Data
ti472 2010-08-20 CTD/DO C. Sherwood Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti471 2010-08-19 REMUS/CTD Glenn Gawarkiewicz Outer Cape/ Nauset Underway Data CTD Data
ti470 2010-08-17 DMF Buoy Recoveries (3) K. Newhall Cape Cod Bay Underway Data
ti469 2010-08-13 ASIT/ Air Node Swap J. Sisson CA3491 South of MV Underway Data CTD Data
ti467 2010-08-11 NRL R. Menis CA3457 Underway Data
ti466 2010-08-09 ADCP Tripod Recovery (01) Craig Marquette (cmarquette@whoi.edu) CA3495 (South of Marthas Vinyard) Underway Data
ti465 2010-08-03 Whale Watch N/A Off of Plymouth Underway Data
July 2010
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti464 2010-07-30 REMUS / PLUS-IMP Ben Allen (ballen@whoi.edu) Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti463 2010-07-27 REMUS/PLUS-INP Ben Allen (ballen@whoi.edu) Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti462 2010-07-23 MVCO/ASIT Maint. J. Sisson South of MVCO Underway Data CTD Data
ti461 2010-07-20 Tripod/Mooring Recoveries A. Kirincich Cape/Chatham Underway Data CTD Data
ti460 2010-07-16 Education B. Tripp Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti459 2010-07-15 Education T. Houter Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti458 2010-07-14 Education Hovey Clifford (hclifford@whoi.edu) Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti457 2010-07-13 Education Hovey Clifford (hclifford@whoi.edu) Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti456 2010-07-12 Education Hovey Clifford (hclifford@whoi.edu) Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti455 2010-07-08 REMUS/PLUS-INP Ben Allen (ballen@whoi.edu) Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti454 2010-07-01 water sampling cruise to Buzzards Bay Suellen Garner Buzzards Bay Underway Data
June 2010
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti453 2010-06-30 REMUS/ PLUS_INP B. Allen Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti452 2010-06-26 REMUA 600 / Plus-INP Ben Allen (ballen@whoi.edu) Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti451-02 2010-06-22 Underway Data
ti451-01 2010-06-21 MOCNESS Peter Weibe pweibe@whoi.edu Stellwagen Bank Underway Data
ti450 2010-06-11 Mini BATS Trial A. Kirincich Outer Cape Underway Data
ti449 2010-06-09 VMP L. St.Laurent East of Block Island Underway Data
ti448 2010-06-08 VMP L. St.Laurent (lstlaurent@whoi.edu) CA348 East of Block Island Underway Data
ti447 2010-06-07 AB-04 Recovery and Redeploy K. Newhall (knewhall@whoi.edu) Stellwagen Bank Underway Data
May 2010
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti446 2010-05-27 Tripod SAR via dive op. D.Limeburner Muskeget Channel Underway Data
ti445 2010-05-26 Underway Data
ti444 2010-05-24 Tripod SAR/ Dive R.Limeburner Nantucket Sound Underway Data