Tioga Cruise Data

The R/V Tioga is an aluminum hulled coastal research vessel that serves ocean scientists and engineers working in the waters off the Northeastern United States. Tioga is owned by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and has been in operation since 2004.
Metadata for the vessels cruises since 2010 have been collected here. As more metadata is collected, this page will be updated. This metadata list is maintained by the DLA, based on the cruise.metadata file provided by the Tioga. Underway data is linked below.

Contact the Data Librarian, Audrey Mickle (amickle@whoi.edu) for questions about Tioga data and metadata.

Use the fields below to search by available Cruise ID, Year, Area Description, Project Description, or Availability of CTD Data.

August 2011
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti542 2011-08-05 SeaBED R. Eustice Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti541 2011-08-04 SEABED R. Eustice Buzzards Bay Underway Data
July 2011
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti540 2011-07-29 Education Hovey Clifford Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti539 2011-07-28 Education H. Clifford Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti538 2011-07-27 ASIT maint. T. Crockford South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data CTD Data
ti537 2011-07-26 Education Hovey Clifford Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti536 2011-07-25 Education Hovey Clifford Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti535 2011-07-20 CTD Survey G. Gawarkiewicz Block Canyon Underway Data CTD Data
ti534-04 2011-07-15 MOCNESS H. Jiang Willinson Basin Underway Data
ti534-03 2011-07-13 REMUS/VPR/MOCNESS A.Lavery Stellwagen Bank Underway Data
ti534-02 2011-07-12 REMUS/VPR/MOCNESS A.Lavery Stellwagen Bank Underway Data
ti534-01 2011-07-11 REMUS BBB feasability demo A.Lavery Stellwagen Bank Underway Data
ti533 2011-07-06 IMOC H. Sosik (hsosik@whoi.edu) South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data CTD Data
June 2011
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti532 2011-06-24 REMUS/PLUS INP B. Allen Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti531 2011-06-23 REMUS/PLUS-INP B. Allen Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti530 2011-06-22 REMUS/PLUS-INP B. Allen ballen@whoi.edu Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti529 2011-06-20 REMUS/PLUS-INP P. Bouxsein Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti528 2011-06-15 ESP Mooring Recovery/Dive PI R. Marin Gulf of Maine Underway Data
ti527 2011-06-06 12m Node swap-out J. Sisson South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data
May 2011
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti526 2011-05-27 REMUS/INP B. Allen (ballen@whoi.edu) Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti525 2011-05-26 REMUS/PLUS-INP B. Allen Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti524 2011-05-25 REMUS/PLUS-INP B Allen (ballen@whoi.edu) Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti523 2011-05-23 REMUS/ PLUS-INP B Allen (ballen@whoi.edu) Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti522 2011-05-16 REMUS OCCC Survey Glen Gawarkiewicz Outer Cape/ Nauset Underway Data CTD Data
ti521 2011-05-13 REMUS/ Multi-Beam testing Glenn Gawarkiewicz ggawarkiewicz@whoi.edu Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti520 2011-05-04 ACLR T. Austin (taustin@whoi.edu) Vinyard Sound Underway Data
ti519 2011-05-03 ASIT and 12m Node Maint. J. Sisson South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data CTD Data
ti518 2011-05-02 WDB Array Art Newhall (anewhall@whoi.edu) Cape Cod Bay Underway Data CTD Data
April 2011
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti517 2011-04-26 Education S.Laney ASIT Underway Data CTD Data
ti516 2011-04-22 REMUS/CTD G. Gawarkiewicz Outer Cape Underway Data CTD Data
ti515 2011-04-20 VPR Shakedown C. Davis (cdavis@whoi.edu) Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti514 2011-04-19 MOCNESAS Sea-Trials Dennis McGillicuddy Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti513 2011-04-14 WDB Ground Truthing M. Baumgartner Cape Cod Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti512 2011-04-12 WDB grouth truthing M. Baumgartner Cape Cod Bay Underway Data
ti511-02 2011-04-08 WDB Deployment Art Newhall (anewhall@whoi.edu) Cape Cod Bay Underway Data
ti511-01 2011-04-07 WDB Deployment Art Newhall (anewhall@whoi.edu) Cape Cod Bay Underway Data
March 2011
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti510 2011-03-28 MOCNESS Trials Dennis McGillicuddy Vinyard Sound Underway Data
ti509 2011-03-25 REMUS 6000 sea trials D. Karl (Hydroid) East Stellwagen Underway Data
ti508 2011-03-23 CTD survey/ ASIT maint. Hiedi Sosick hsosick@whoi.edu South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data CTD Data
ti507 2011-03-18 whale detection buoy rescue Willy Olstrum ShippingLanes Underway Data
ti506 2011-03-15 Mooring Deployment and REMUS Glen Gawarkiewicz WHOI Outer Cape/ Nauset Underway Data
ti587 2011-03-06 IMOC H. Sosik South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data CTD Data
ti505 2011-03-04 ASIT H. Popenoe South of MV Underway Data
February 2011
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti504 2011-02-27 VPR test Cruise Cabell Davis Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti503 2011-02-22 Whale Detection Buoy Recoveries P. Koski South of Marthas Vinyard Underway Data
January 2011
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti502 2011-01-31 MWRA water quality survey M. Fitzpatrick Mass Bay/ Boston Harbor Underway Data
ti501 2011-01-26 AB Buoy Maint. J. Pietro Boston ShippingLanes Underway Data
ti500 2011-01-08 REMUS Compass Calibration G. Packard Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti499 2011-01-06 Dive/Tower/Etc A. Shalapyonok South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data CTD Data
ti498 2011-01-04 REMUS Compass Calibration G. Packard Buzzards Bay Underway Data