Taylor, Frank


Oral History: Chris Polloni

interview subject: name: Chris Polloni institutions: WHOI && USGS - Woods Hole positions: Research Assistant && Computer Specialist years of service: 1968-01-01/1977-01-01 && 1985-01-01/1985-01-01
interviewer: name: Frank Taylor
interview dates: 2009-03-26 && 2009-04-06 && 2009-04-13

Oral History: Robert Ballard

notes: Frank would like to set up another interview to complete his WHOI history
interview subject: name: Robert Ballard institutions: WHOI && Institute for Exploration positions: Scientist Emeritus && Director years of service: 1969-01-01/1969-01-01
interviewer: name: Frank Taylor
interview dates: 2000-04-26

Oral History: Angus Group

notes: Interviewees - John Porteous, Earl Young, Steve Gegg, Jerry Cotter, Tom Crook, Cathy Offinger
interview subject: name: John Porteous institutions: WHOI positions: Alvin Group Technician && Senior Photographer years of service: 1968-01-01/2001-01-01
interview subject: name: Earl Young institutions: WHOI
interview subject: name: Steve Gegg institutions: WHOI
interview subject: name: Jerry Cotter institutions: WHOI
interview subject: name: Tom Crook institutions: WHOI
interview subject: name: Cathy Offinger institutions: WHOI && Institute for Exploration positions: Research Associate && Deep Submergence Lab && Director of Operations years of service: 1973-01-01/1973-01-01
interviewer: name: Frank Taylor
interview dates: 2002-02-27

Oral History: Nat Corwin

notes: joint interview with Ralph Vaccaro, filed in vault alphabetically under Corwin
interview subject: name: Nat Corwin institutions: WHOI positions: Research Specialist years of service: 1947-01-01/1986-01-01
interviewer: name: Frank Taylor
interview dates: 2004-02-25 && 2004-03-01