Johnson, Henry R.


Sparker and boomer pulse data

box: 1
partial content list: 1
notes: Notebooks - diagrams, wiring, schematics, photographs of electrode sparker readings, PGR notes, Fortran programs, hydrophone data
subjects: Hydrophone
subjects: Boomers
subjects: pgr
subjects: data
subjects: Sparkers
subjects: schematics
subjects: photographs of electrode sparker readings
subjects: processed signal recording
photographs of electrode sparker readings
processed signal recording

Caulfield, David D. [dla:4df35c9a-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Johnson, Henry R. [dla:4dfae136-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Knox, Robert A. [dla:4dfbd19a-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Reduced Data

box: 8
notes: Gulf Stream, Bermuda, Continental Shelf of Northern South America, Western Mediterranean Gulf Stream (spatial) Bermuda (spatial) Continental Shelf of Northern South America (spatial) Western Mediterranean (spatial) other chief scientists: Officer, C.B.,Johnson, H.R., Malkus, W., Worthington, L.V., Frantz, D.H., Zeigler, J.M., Stetson, T., Miller A.R., Munns, R., Corwin, N. Officer, C.B. (person) Johnson, Henry R. (person) Malkus, W. (person) Worthington, L. Valentine (person) Frantz, D.H. (person) Zeigler, John M. (person) Stetson, T. (person) Miller, Arthur R. (person) Munns, R. (person) Corwin, N. (person) sailing orders
subjects: Sailing Orders
subjects: reduced data
subjects: Gulf Stream.
subjects: Bathymetry
subjects: Bathythermograph.
related subjects: Atlantis (Ketch : 1931-1966)
geographic coverage: Bermuda
geographic coverage: Continental shelf--South America.
geographic coverage: Western Indian Ocean
geographic coverage: Western Africa
geographic coverage: Brazil
geographic coverage: Mediterranean Sea - Western basin
geographic coverage: Gulf Stream.
Sailing Orders
reduced data
Gulf Stream.

Malkus, Willem V. R. [dla:4dfdabb4-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Officer, Charles B. [dla:4e005a1c-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Munns, Robert G. [dla:4dffbd50-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Hersey, John Brackett [dla:4df99312-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]


Corwin, Nathaniel [dla:4df4634c-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Fuglister, Fritz [dla:4df77c6c-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Stetson, Thomas R. [dla:4e04fd92-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Ewing, Maurice [dla:4df680d2-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Frantz, David H. [dla:4df74b16-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Miller, Arthur R. [dla:4dfedebc-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Johnson, Henry R. [dla:4dfae136-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Worthington, L. Valentine [dla:4e081be4-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Reduced Data

box: 7
notes: Northeast Trade Wind Belt, Bermuda, Tongue of the Ocean, Gulf Stream, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Mediterranean cruise Northeast Trade Wind Belt (spatial) Bermuda (spatial) Tongue of the Ocean (spatial) Gulf Stream (spatial) Mid-Atlantic Ridge (spatial) Mediterranean (spatial) other chief scientists: Fuglister, F.; Worthington, V., Decius, Woodcock, Hersey, Pollak, M.J., Ewing, W.M., Heezen, B., Slifko, J., Worzel, J., Tolstoy, I., Hayes, Hersey, J.B., Johnson, H., Ketchum, B.H., Fuglister, Frederick C. (person) Worthington, L. Valentine (person) Decius (person) Woodcock, Alfred H. (person) Hersey, John Brackett (person) Pollak, M. J. (person) Ewing, William Maurice (person) Heezen, B. (person) Slifko, J. (person) Worzel, J. (person) Tolstoy, I. (person) Hays, Earl E. (person) Hersey, John Brackett (person) Johnson, Henry R. (person) Ketchum, Bostwick H. (person) sailing orders
subjects: Trade winds
subjects: Sailing Orders
subjects: reduced data
subjects: Gulf Stream.
subjects: Bathymetry
subjects: Bathythermograph.
related subjects: Atlantis (Ketch : 1931-1966)
geographic coverage: Bermuda
geographic coverage: Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
geographic coverage: North East Trade Wind Belt
geographic coverage: Tongue of the Ocean (Bahamas)
geographic coverage: Gulf Stream.
geographic coverage: Mediterranean Sea
geographic coverage: North Atlantic Ocean
Trade winds
Sailing Orders
reduced data
Gulf Stream.

Pollak, Martin J. [dla:4e01747e-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Althaus, Hans H. [dla:4df026d8-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Hays, Earl E. [dla:4df95f5a-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Tolstoy, Ivan [dla:4e060976-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Ewing, Maurice [dla:4df680d2-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Worzel, John Lamar [dla:4e08204e-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Worthington, L. Valentine [dla:4e081be4-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Woodcock, Alfred H. [dla:4e07f20e-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Decius, John Courtney [dla:4df513dc-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Ryther, John H. [dla:4e02e700-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Slifko, John P. [dla:4e0442bc-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Redfield, Alfred C. [dla:4e0200a6-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Hersey, John Brackett [dla:4df99312-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Fuglister, Fritz [dla:4df77c6c-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Bumpus, Dean Franklin [dla:4df2a296-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Heezen, Bruce C. [dla:4df96ef0-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Johnson, Henry R. [dla:4dfae136-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Ambient Noise

box: 1
subjects: ambient noise
related subjects: whoi technical report whoi-52-73
related subjects: Atlantis (Ketch : 1931-1966)
related subjects: R/V Bear
related subjects: R/V Caryn
ambient noise

Johnson, Henry R. [dla:4dfae136-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Reduced Data

box: 1
notes: other ships: Albatross III (cruises 108, 117), Catamaran (cruises 16, 17), Annandale Albatross III (platform) Catamaran (platform) Annandale (platform) Gulf Stream< North East Trade Wind belt, Oceanographer Canyon CABOT sailing orders CABOT (project) Gulf Stream (spatial) Oceanographer Canyon (spatial) other chief scientists: Johnson, H., Donnelly, J.D.; LaPlante, R. F.; Rainnie, W.O.; Schevill, W.E.; Daubin, S.C. Johnson, Henry R. (person) Donnelly, J.D. (person) LaPlante, R. F. (person) Rainnie, W.O. (person) Schevill, W.E. (person) Daubin, S.C. (person)
subjects: Project CABOT
subjects: Trade winds
subjects: Submarine geology--Atlantic Ocean--Oceanographer Canyon.
subjects: Sailing Orders
subjects: reduced data
subjects: Gulf Stream.
subjects: Bathymetry
subjects: Bathythermograph.
related subjects: ALCOA Seaprobe
related subjects: Albatross III
related subjects: catamaran
related subjects: Annandale (Ship)
geographic coverage: Submarine geology--Atlantic Ocean--Oceanographer Canyon.
geographic coverage: Gulf Stream.
Project CABOT
Trade winds
Submarine geology--Atlantic Ocean--Oceanographer Canyon.
Sailing Orders
reduced data
Gulf Stream.

LaPlante, R. F. [dla:4dfc58cc-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Althaus, Hans H. [dla:4df026d8-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Daubin, Scott C. [dla:4df4eaba-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Donnelly, John D. [dla:4df58420-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Richards, Francis Asbury [dla:4e023ae4-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Rainnie, William O. [dla:4e01d8e2-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Schevill, William Edward [dla:4e034b32-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Johnson, Henry R. [dla:4dfae136-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Worthington, L. Valentine [dla:4e081be4-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Science of the Sea

notes: A-D Strip test 07/22/05 Condition 1
whoi_av_id: Film 776
full title: Science of the Sea
media_type: Film
original_description: Caryn, Atlantis, R. Vishniac, D. Frantz, F. Fuglister, G. Metcalf, D. Backus, J. Hahn, D. Owen, H. Johnson, C. Hays. Poor condition

Bear cruise 4

notes: A-D Strip test 07/14/05 Condition 1
whoi_av_id: Film 690
full title: Bear cruise 4
media_type: Film
original_description: Aug 14-20, 1951, C.S. Henry Johnson, current measurements, number dials