DC-049: Bermuda SOFAR Station Drum Records

Bermuda SOFAR Station Drum Records

box: 1
partial content list: 20 folder/portfolios
notes: 20 folder/portfolios. List enclosed in folder containing records from 1951-1958 1951-1958 (date) see DC 47, Box 1 for more provenance, etc.
subjects: columbia university, geophysical field station
subjects: Finback whale
subjects: Bermuda SOFAR Station
subjects: SOFAR (sound fixing and ranging)
related subjects: j.acoust.soc.am. 82(6):1901-1912. the 20-hz signals of finback whales...by watkins, tyack & moore
geographic coverage: bermuda sofar station
columbia university, geophysical field station
Finback whale
Bermuda SOFAR Station
SOFAR (sound fixing and ranging)

Tyack, Peter L. [dla:4e0652d2-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Moore, Karen E. [dla:4dff7dd6-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]
