ALCOA Seaprobe


Reduced Data

box: 1
notes: other ships: Albatross III (cruises 108, 117), Catamaran (cruises 16, 17), Annandale Albatross III (platform) Catamaran (platform) Annandale (platform) Gulf Stream< North East Trade Wind belt, Oceanographer Canyon CABOT sailing orders CABOT (project) Gulf Stream (spatial) Oceanographer Canyon (spatial) other chief scientists: Johnson, H., Donnelly, J.D.; LaPlante, R. F.; Rainnie, W.O.; Schevill, W.E.; Daubin, S.C. Johnson, Henry R. (person) Donnelly, J.D. (person) LaPlante, R. F. (person) Rainnie, W.O. (person) Schevill, W.E. (person) Daubin, S.C. (person)
subjects: Project CABOT
subjects: Trade winds
subjects: Submarine geology--Atlantic Ocean--Oceanographer Canyon.
subjects: Sailing Orders
subjects: reduced data
subjects: Gulf Stream.
subjects: Bathymetry
subjects: Bathythermograph.
related subjects: ALCOA Seaprobe
related subjects: Albatross III
related subjects: catamaran
related subjects: Annandale (Ship)
geographic coverage: Submarine geology--Atlantic Ocean--Oceanographer Canyon.
geographic coverage: Gulf Stream.
Project CABOT
Trade winds
Submarine geology--Atlantic Ocean--Oceanographer Canyon.
Sailing Orders
reduced data
Gulf Stream.

LaPlante, R. F. [dla:4dfc58cc-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Althaus, Hans H. [dla:4df026d8-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Daubin, Scott C. [dla:4df4eaba-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Donnelly, John D. [dla:4df58420-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Richards, Francis Asbury [dla:4e023ae4-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Rainnie, William O. [dla:4e01d8e2-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Schevill, William Edward [dla:4e034b32-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Johnson, Henry R. [dla:4dfae136-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Worthington, L. Valentine [dla:4e081be4-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

CTD station data

box: 15
partial content list: 21 boxes
notes: CTD station data arranged by ship and cruise. ctd (instrument)
provenance: The CTD Group
subjects: CTD - Conductivity Temperature Depth
subjects: Temperature
subjects: station data
subjects: Salinity.
subjects: Electric conductivity
related subjects: ALCOA Seaprobe
related subjects: USNS Thomas G. Thompson
CTD - Conductivity Temperature Depth
station data
Electric conductivity

Alcoa Seaprobe

notes: A-D Strip test 06/09/05 Condition 1
whoi_av_id: Film 597
full title: Alcoa Seaprobe
media_type: Film
original_description: On deck, men working with pipe. Probably Cruise #8

Alcoa Seaprobe

notes: A-D Strip test 06/09/05 Condition 1
whoi_av_id: Film 599
full title: Alcoa Seaprobe
media_type: Film
original_description: Cruise #8, Angus camera sled, well room

Alcoa Seaprobe

notes: A-D Strip test 06/09/05 Condition 1
whoi_av_id: Film 598
full title: Alcoa Seaprobe
media_type: Film
original_description: Cruise #8, trying to put angus camera sled through well hole