TOMO Experiment

Date Created: 
1988-01-06 to 1988-02-07
box: 3
partial content list: 3
notes: Boxes - HP recording chart rolls of shot instant data; Notebook - AMF tests, OBH and DOBH clock errors, deployments and recoveries; SIO underway watch log; station work sheet; ocean bottom hydrophone (obh) (instrument) digital ocean bottom hydrophone (dobh) (instrument) RAITT
provenance: Dave DuBois/Accession 2005-44
subjects: raitt
subjects: DOBH - Digital Ocean Bottom Hydrophone
subjects: data
subjects: Tomography
subjects: OBH - Ocean Bottom Hydrophone
subjects: sio underway watch log
subjects: National Ocean Sciences AMF Facility
subjects: hp recording chart rolls
subjects: TOMO experiment
subjects: Seismology.
subjects: station work sheet
subjects: deployments and recoveries
related subjects: East Pacific Rise Tomography Experiment
related subjects: USNS Thomas Washington
geographic coverage: East Pacific Rise