Albatross III, Cruise 42, 1952-01-24 to 1952-04-16


Hydrographic log sheets

box: 20
partial content list: 30 boxes
notes: Hydrographic log sheets.
provenance: Physical Oceanography dept., AC2004-24
subjects: Hydrography.
subjects: Sea temperature
related subjects: Albatross III
geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean
Sea temperature

BT (some Hydro) Cruises - Boxes by Ship-Area-Date

box: 3
partial content list: Box 3 of 6
notes: boxes based on ship-area-date. See DC-8 for Bathythermograph Observations/ Data Forms. Other ships: Mendota WC151
subjects: Hydrography.
subjects: Bathythermograph.
related subjects: Albatross III
related subjects: Trade winds
related subjects: R/V Crawford
related subjects: International Gulf Stream Experiment
related subjects: USCGC Mendota
related subjects: Dana (Ship)
geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean
geographic coverage: Gulf Stream.
geographic coverage: North Atlantic Ocean

Albatross trade wind cruise

notes: A-D Strip test 06/09/05 Condition 0
whoi_av_id: Film 593
full title: Albatross trade wind cruise
media_type: Film
original_description: With Atlantis, starts aboard Albatross bringing in BT people, E. Mysona catching shark, crew doing exercises, taking hydrostation. Poor