Tioga Cruise Data

The R/V Tioga is an aluminum hulled coastal research vessel that serves ocean scientists and engineers working in the waters off the Northeastern United States. Tioga is owned by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and has been in operation since 2004.
Metadata for the vessels cruises since 2010 have been collected here. As more metadata is collected, this page will be updated. This metadata list is maintained by the DLA, based on the cruise.metadata file provided by the Tioga. Underway data is linked below.

Contact the Data Librarian, Audrey Mickle (amickle@whoi.edu) for questions about Tioga data and metadata.

Use the fields below to search by available Cruise ID, Year, Area Description, Project Description, or Availability of CTD Data.

August 2022
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti1281 2022-08-16 Vehicle Testing Chris Romano (BAE) Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti1280 2022-08-15 Engineering testing, sensor deployment, dive ops Ed O’Brien (WHOI) Weepecket Islands Underway Data
ti1279 2022-08-12 Vehicle Testing Chris Romano (BAE) Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti1278 2022-08-11 Engineering testing, sensor deployment, dive ops Ed O’Brien (WHOI) Weepecket Islands Underway Data
ti1277 2022-08-10 MVCO ASIT Tower support Ben Karson (Schultz) South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data
ti1276 2022-08-04 MVCO Dive Ops Eve Cinquino (WHOI) South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data
ti1275 2022-08-03 Remus and Dive Ops Ed O’Brien (WHOI) Buzzards Bay Underway Data
July 2022
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti1274 2022-07-29 Kelp truss Removal Dave Bailey (WHOI) Weepecket Island Underway Data
ti1273 2022-07-28 Kelp truss Removal Dave Bailey (WHOI) Weepecket Island Underway Data
ti1272 2022-07-26 MWRA Batelle Survay WN226 Scott Libby (Batelle) Mass Bay Underway Data
ti1271 2022-07-22 JP Student Cruise Phil Alatalo (WHOI) Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti1270 2022-07-21 JP Student Cruise Phil Alatalo (WHOI) Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti1269 2022-07-20 JP Student Cruise Phil Alatalo (WHOI) Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti1268 2022-07-18 JP Student Cruise Phil Alatalo (WHOI) Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti1267-02 2022-07-14 NEARACOOS wave buoy deployment Dave Walsh (WHGRP) Cape Cod Bay and Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti1267-01 2022-07-12 Batelle survey AF-222 Alex Mansfield (Batelle) Mass Bay Underway Data
ti1266 2022-07-11 Student Cruise Ben Van Mooy (WHOI) Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti1265 2022-07-05 MWRA Batelle Survey - AF-221 Amanda Kroc Mass Bay Underway Data
June 2022
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti1264 2022-06-30 MVCO ASIT Tower Ops Dive Ops Jay Sisson South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data
ti1263 2022-06-27 MWRA Batelle Survey -WN225 Alex Mansfield MASS Bay Underway Data
ti1262 2022-06-22 Glider recovery Danial Lombardo East of Orleans Atlantic Ocean Underway Data
ti1261 2022-06-21 Maneuvering Training Peter Collins local Underway Data
ti1260 2022-06-17 L3 Harris Mooring Recovery Eric Trotto Weepecket Islands Underway Data
ti1259 2022-06-14 Personel transfer Peter Collins Menemsha Bight Underway Data
ti1258 2022-06-07 MVCO ASIT Tower Support Eve Cinquino South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data
ti1257 2022-06-02 Water Sampling Chris McRaven Mass and Cape Code Bay Underway Data
May 2022
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti1256 2022-05-20 Coring Michael Toomey Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti1255 2022-05-19 Glider Recovery/buoy swap Tim Rowell (NOAA) Cox’s Ledge Underway Data
ti1254 2022-05-18 Mooring Recovery Eric Trotto Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti1253 2022-05-12 MWRA Batelle Survey -WN224 Alex Mansfield MASS Bay Underway Data
ti1252 2022-05-04 MVCO ASIT Tower Support Eve Cinquino South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data
April 2022
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti1251 2022-04-27 dive Operations/ Equipment recovery Jeff Donnoly Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti1250 2022-04-26 MVCO ASIT Tower Ops Dive Ops Jay Sisson South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data
ti1249 2022-04-25 Engineering Testing YT Lin Cox's Ledge Underway Data
ti1248 2022-04-21 Student Cruise Phil Alatalo Buzzards Bay Underway Data CTD Data
ti1247 2022-04-18 Mooring Deployment Eric Trotto Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti1246 2022-04-16 MWRA Batelle Survey -WN223 Alex Mansfield MASS Bay Underway Data
ti1245 2022-04-05 ASIT Tower Ops Dive Ops CTD Eve Cinquino South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data CTD Data
March 2022
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti1244 2022-03-29 BAE Engineering Tests Chris Roman Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti1243 2022-03-28 BAE Engineering Tests Alan Costigliola Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti1242 2022-03-21 MWRA Batelle Survey -WN222 Dave Silva MASS Bay Underway Data
ti1241 2022-03-15 Transit to Gladding Hearn Shipyard N/A Buzzards Bay and Sakonnet River Underway Data
ti1240 2022-03-04 MVCO ASIT Tower Support Hugh Pompano South of Martha's Vinyard Underway Data CTD Data
February 2022
Title Date of Cruise Project Chief Scientist Area Underway Data CTD Data
ti1239 2022-02-22 Buoy Deployment Tim Rowel Cox's Ledge Underway Data
ti1238 2022-02-16 Engineering Tests Dani Goldberg Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti1237 2022-02-15 Engineering Tests Dani Goldberg Buzzards Bay Underway Data
ti1236 2022-02-12 REMUS Andy Girard Vinyard Sound Underway Data
ti1234 2022-02-11 MWRA Batelle Survey -WN221 Alex Mansfield MASS Bay Underway Data
ti1235 2022-02-11 Glider Deployment Mark Baumgartner Vinyard Sound Underway Data
ti1233 2022-02-07 Glider Recovery Ben Hodges North West of Gay Head Underway Data