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Showing 10821 - 10830 of 14044 results
Title Collection Description
CTD station data Historical Data, DC-010: CTD station data box: 3, partial content list: 21 boxes, notes: CTD station data arranged by ship and cruise. ctd (instrument), provenance: The CTD Group, subjects: CTD - Conductivity Temperature Depth, subjects: Temperature, subjects: station data, subjects: Salinity., subjects: Electric conductivity, related subjects: R/V Atlantis II, related subjects: USS Chain
Tucholke Misc Data Historical Data, DC-072: Tucholke Misc Data box: 11, provenance: 2009--50, subjects: Seismology., subjects: tucholke misc data, related subjects: Glomar Challenger, related subjects: USNS Lynch
Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) Historical Data, DC-074: Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) box: 2, notes: Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) multiple opening closing net and environmental sensing system (mocness) (instrument), provenance: 2010-3, subjects: Warm Core Ring, subjects: MOCNESS - Multiple Opening Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System, subjects: Meridional overturning circulation, related subjects: j.geophys. res. 90 (c5): 8885?8901, related subjects: R/V Oceanus, related subjects: R/V Atlantis II, related subjects: R/V Knorr, related subjects: Warm Core Rings Program, geographic coverage: Sargasso Sea, geographic coverage: North West Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
Weekly Gulf Stream analysis Historical Data, DC-016: Weekly Gulf Stream analysis box: 1, partial content list: 1 box, notes: Weekly Gulf Stream analysis plots, prepared by the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office. Navoceano Satellite Analysis. Experimental ocean frontal analysis. NOAA-5 VHRR NOAA-NES-EPG noaa-5 vhrr (instrument) satellite (instrument) Navoceano (organization) Gulf Stream (spatial) National Environmental Satellite Service. National Weather Service. National Environmental Satellite Service (organization) National Weather Service (organization), provenance: Phil Richardson, subjects: Satellites, subjects: experimental ocean frontal analysis, subjects: NAVOCEANO - U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office, subjects: noaa-nes-epg, subjects: analysis plots, prepared by the u.s. naval oceanographic office, subjects: Gulf Stream., related subjects: National Weather Service (U.S.), related subjects: United States. National Environmental Satellite Service., related subjects: NOAA-5 (Satellite), geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean, geographic coverage: Gulf Stream.
Pacific Equatorial Dynamics Program Historical Data, DC-003: Pacific Equatorial Dynamics Program box: 0, partial content list: 3 boxes, notes: Sent over by Carragher, Maureen (person), provenance: Luyten/accession#2005-34, subjects: CTD - Conductivity Temperature Depth, subjects: Hydrography., subjects: black horse, subjects: PEQUOD - Pacific Equatorial Dynamics Program, subjects: white horse, related subjects: PEQUOD - Pacific Equatorial Dynamics Program, related subjects: j.phys.ocean. 14(3):615 (whoi contrib.# 5352), related subjects: USNS Thomas G. Thompson, geographic coverage: 4n-30s 138w, geographic coverage: Equatorial Pacific Ocean
Development of synthetic seismograms Historical Data, DC-201: Development of synthetic seismograms box: 5, partial content list: 6 boxes, notes: Lee Gove, Rough/Sharp interface & development, SYNACL listings, FINDIF source listings, Reflectivity assorted listings, tests, sign changes in P-S, Detrick Model of Kane Fracture Zone, Baggeroer Model for Conversions in Sediment Gove, Lee (person) Kane Fracture Zone (spatial) Purdy Model for ROSE multiples, Toronto Code, Schmidt's stability programs, Burton's programs and log files Purdy, Graham M. (person) ROSE (Rivera Ocean Seismic Experiments) (project) Inventory list "R.A.Stephen Archives #95-11" included Stephen, Ralph A. (person), provenance: Ralph Stephen 1996 data donation, subjects: ROSE - Rivera Ocean Seismic Experiment, subjects: inventory list, subjects: Seismograms, subjects: Baggeroer Model, subjects: Finite difference method, subjects: Seismic reflection method, subjects: sign changes in p-s, subjects: Kane Fracture Zone, subjects: burton's programs and log files, subjects: Detrick Model of the Kane Fracture Zone, subjects: r.a.stephen archives, subjects: SYNACL - Synthetic Acoustic Logging, subjects: schmidt's stability programs, subjects: Geological modeling, subjects: refl - reflectivity, subjects: Marine sediments--Mathematical models., subjects: tests, subjects: rough/sharp interface & development, subjects: toronto code, related subjects: development of synthetic seismograms, geographic coverage: Kane Fracture Zone
Side scan records and flow camera copies from Chinese ship DC-013: Side scan records and flow camera copies from Chinese ship, Historical Data box: 2, partial content list: 3 boxes, notes: ship: Chinese Ship #7 Box L-9 from John Milliman, October 1984 Milliman, John (person) Chinese Ship #7 (platform), provenance: John Milliman, subjects: flow camera, subjects: Side-Scan Sonar, related subjects: Chinese Ship #7, geographic coverage: Yellow Sea (Hwang Hai), geographic coverage: East China Sea (Tung Hai)
Reduced Data Historical Data, DC-045: Reduced Data box: 10, notes: East African Equatorial, South Atlantic, Continental Shelf, Antillean Arc, Gulf Stream East African Equatorial (spatial) South Atlantic (spatial) Continental Shelf (spatial) Antillean Arc (spatial) Gulf Stream (spatial) other chief scientists: Heinmiller D., Scheltema, R. S., Menzel, D. W., Ryther, J.H., Gifford, J., Metcalf, W. G., Sanders, H.L., Moller, D.M., Teal, J.M., Bowe, V.T., Carpenter, E.J., Schouten, H., Thompson, G., Johnson, D.A., Stommel, H.M., Ewing, M., P Heinmiller, Robert H. (person) Scheltema, R. S. (person) Menzel, David W. (person) Ryther, John H. (person) Gifford, J. (person) Metcalf, William G. (person) Sanders, H. L. (person) Moller, Donald M. (person) Teal, John M. (person) Bowen, Vaughn T. (person) Carpenter, E.J. (person) Schouten, H. (person) Thompson, G. (person) Johnson, David A. (person) Stommel, H.M. (person) Ewing, William Maurice (person) sailing orders, subjects: Sailing Orders, subjects: reduced data, subjects: Gulf Stream., subjects: Bathymetry, subjects: Bathythermograph., related subjects: R/V Balanus, related subjects: R/V Atlantis II, geographic coverage: east african equatorial, geographic coverage: Continental shelf, geographic coverage: Antilles, geographic coverage: South Atlantic Ocean, geographic coverage: Gulf Stream.
FINDIF Synthetic Seismogram Code & File Listings - working notes DC-210: FINDIF Synthetic Seismogram Code & File Listings - working notes, Historical Data box: 1, partial content list: 8 notebooks, notes: 8 notebooks - notes, computer printouts, programming, calculations, attenuation, tape listings, provenance: Ralph Stephen/Accession 2006-09, subjects: attenuation, subjects: Finite difference method, subjects: tape listings, subjects: calculations, subjects: programs, subjects: notes, subjects: Seismograms
FINDIF Synthetic Seismogram Code & File Listings - working notes Historical Data, DC-210: FINDIF Synthetic Seismogram Code & File Listings - working notes box: 2, partial content list: 6 notebooks, notes: 6 notebooks - computer printouts, VAX files, tape listings, provenance: Ralph Stephen/Accession 2006-09, subjects: Finite difference method, subjects: tape listings, subjects: vax files, subjects: Seismograms