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Title | Collection | Description |
Reduced Data | Historical Data, DC-045: Reduced Data | box: 14, notes: Gulf of Maine, New York Harbor, Gulf Stream, Caribbean Sill, Brazil, Continental Slope Alvin Salvops Gulf of Maine (spatial) New York Harbor (spatial) Gulf Stream (spatial) Caribbean Sill (spatial) Brazil (spatial) Continental Slope (spatial) Other chief scientists: Worthington, L.V., Metcalf, W.G., Parker, C.E., Barrett, J., Warren, B., Volkmann, G., Stalcup, M.C., Winget, C.L., Woodcock, A.H. Worthington, L. Valentine (person) Metcalf, William G. (person) Parker, C. E. (person) Barrett, J. (person) Warren, B. (person) Volkmann, G.H. (person) Stalcup, M. C. (person) Winget, C.L. (person) Woodcock, Alfred H. (person) other ships: USS Edisto, Erika Dan, Eugenie VIII, Evergreen-Post, Explorer, General Greene, T.N. Gill (cruise 1, 2) sailing orders Edisto (platform) Erika Dan (platform) Eugenie VIII (platform) Evergreen-Post (platform) Explorer (platform) General Greene (platform) T.N. Gill (platform), subjects: Sailing Orders, subjects: Gulf Stream., subjects: reduced data, subjects: Bathymetry, subjects: Bathythermograph., related subjects: USCGC Edisto, related subjects: R/V Crawford, related subjects: Evergreen (Cutter), related subjects: M/V T. N. Gill, related subjects: USCGC General Greene, related subjects: Explorer (Ship), related subjects: M/V Erika Dan, related subjects: Eugenie VIII (Ship), geographic coverage: Continental slopes--Atlantic Ocean., geographic coverage: Caribbean Sill, geographic coverage: Brazil, geographic coverage: Gulf Stream., geographic coverage: New York Harbor, geographic coverage: Gulf of Maine |
Plankton Data Cards | DC-033: Plankton Data Cards, Historical Data | box: 3, subjects: Plankton, related subjects: Albatross II (Ship), geographic coverage: East Coast - US/Canada |
Reverberation | DC-046: Reverberation, Historical Data | box: 1, subjects: Reverberation (Sound), subjects: Seismology., geographic coverage: Georges Bank, geographic coverage: Gulf of Maine |
Reduced Data | Historical Data, DC-045: Reduced Data | box: 5, notes: Bermuda, Gulf Stream Bermuda (spatial) Gulf Stream (spatial) other chief scientists: Woodcock, Ewing, Iselin, Spilhaus Woodcock, Alfred H. (person) Ewing, William Maurice (person) Iselin (person) Spilhaus (person), subjects: reduced data, subjects: Gulf Stream., subjects: Bathymetry, subjects: Bathythermograph., related subjects: Atlantis (Ketch : 1931-1966), geographic coverage: Cuba., geographic coverage: Bermuda, geographic coverage: Gulf Stream., geographic coverage: North Atlantic Ocean |
4 hurricanes that hit Woods Hole | WHOI Audio/Visual Collection | notes: A-D Strip test 04/28/05 Condition 0, whoi_av_id: Film 385, full title: 4 hurricanes that hit Woods Hole, media_type: Film, original_description: years 1938, 1944, 1954 Hurricane Carol and 1960 Hurricane Donna |
Hydrographic log sheets | Historical Data, DC-009: Hydrographic log sheets | box: 24, partial content list: 30 boxes, notes: Hydrographic log sheets. cruise 70, 1937, Navy Navy (organization), provenance: Physical Oceanography dept., AC2004-24, subjects: Hydrography., subjects: Sea temperature, related subjects: U.S. Navy, related subjects: Atlantis (Ketch : 1931-1966), geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean |
Reduced Data | Historical Data, DC-045: Reduced Data | box: 14, notes: Gulf of Maine, New York Harbor, Gulf Stream, Caribbean Sill, Brazil, Continental Slope Alvin Salvops Gulf of Maine (spatial) New York Harbor (spatial) Gulf Stream (spatial) Caribbean Sill (spatial) Brazil (spatial) Continental Slope (spatial) Other chief scientists: Worthington, L.V., Metcalf, W.G., Parker, C.E., Barrett, J., Warren, B., Volkmann, G., Stalcup, M.C., Winget, C.L., Woodcock, A.H. Worthington, L. Valentine (person) Metcalf, William G. (person) Parker, C. E. (person) Barrett, J. (person) Warren, B. (person) Volkmann, G.H. (person) Stalcup, M. C. (person) Winget, C.L. (person) Woodcock, Alfred H. (person) other ships: USS Edisto, Erika Dan, Eugenie VIII, Evergreen-Post, Explorer, General Greene, T.N. Gill (cruise 1, 2) sailing orders Edisto (platform) Erika Dan (platform) Eugenie VIII (platform) Evergreen-Post (platform) Explorer (platform) General Greene (platform) T.N. Gill (platform), subjects: Sailing Orders, subjects: Gulf Stream., subjects: reduced data, subjects: Bathymetry, subjects: Bathythermograph., related subjects: USCGC Edisto, related subjects: R/V Crawford, related subjects: Evergreen (Cutter), related subjects: M/V T. N. Gill, related subjects: USCGC General Greene, related subjects: Explorer (Ship), related subjects: M/V Erika Dan, related subjects: Eugenie VIII (Ship), geographic coverage: Continental slopes--Atlantic Ocean., geographic coverage: Caribbean Sill, geographic coverage: Brazil, geographic coverage: Gulf Stream., geographic coverage: New York Harbor, geographic coverage: Gulf of Maine |
Reduced Data | DC-045: Reduced Data, Historical Data | box: 4, notes: Eastern Slope Water Survey, Georges Bank, Gulf of Maine, South of the Gulf Stream, South of Block Island, South of Marthas Vineyard Special Navy Cruise Navy (organization) Eastern Slope (spatial) Georges Bank (spatial) Gulf of Maine (spatial) South of the Gulf Stream (spatial) South of Block Island (spatial) South of Marthas Vineyard (spatial) other chief scientists: Redfield, Iselin, Seiwell, Stetson, Bigelow, Welsh, Piggott, Parr, Clarke, Ewing, Carritt, Schroeder, Webster, Bumpus Redfield, Alfred C. (person) Iselin (person) Seiwell (person) Stetson, Henry C. (person) Bigelow (person) Welsh (person) Piggott (person) Parr, A. E. (person) Clarke, George L. (person) Ewing, William Maurice (person) Carritt (person) Schroeder, W. C. (person) Webster (person) Bumpus, Dean F. (person), subjects: Hydrography., subjects: Gulf Stream., subjects: reduced data, subjects: Bathymetry, subjects: Bathythermograph., related subjects: U.S. Navy, related subjects: Atlantis (Ketch : 1931-1966), geographic coverage: south of block island, geographic coverage: south of the gulf stream, geographic coverage: Georges Bank, geographic coverage: eastern slope, geographic coverage: south of marthas vineyard, geographic coverage: Gulf of Maine, geographic coverage: North Atlantic Ocean |
Hydrographic log sheets | Historical Data, DC-009: Hydrographic log sheets | box: 23, partial content list: 30 boxes, notes: Hydrographic log sheets. 1937, cruise 65 was Guantanamo Bay, Navy 1937 (date) Navy (organization) Guantanamo Bay (spatial), provenance: Physical Oceanography dept., AC2004-24, subjects: Hydrography., subjects: Sea temperature, related subjects: U.S. Navy, related subjects: Atlantis (Ketch : 1931-1966), geographic coverage: Guantanamo Bay, geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean |
Reverberation | DC-046: Reverberation, Historical Data | box: 1, subjects: Reverberation (Sound), subjects: Seismology., geographic coverage: Georges Bank, geographic coverage: Gulf of Maine |