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Buoy Group moored station logs Historical Data, DC-012: Buoy Group moored station logs box: 1, partial content list: 2 boxes, notes: Other ships include: Captain Bill IV - APL mooring 1970-1972 Delaware II -1971 Evergreen - May 4-10, 1971 Hudson 0267 Kurchatov SCOR, Russian mooring Mar-Apr 1970 1970-1972 (date) 1971 (date) May 4-10, 1971 (date) Mar-Apr 1970 (date) mooring (instrument) mooring (instrument) University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) (organization) Captain Bill IV (platform) APL (platform) mooring (platform) Delaware II (platform) Evergreen (platform) Hudson (platform) Kurchatov (platform) Russian mooring (platform) Laurel I and II - 1968 Melville - Simoneau and Tupper, Sept. 1971 Mt Mitchell I and II - Antilles Ridge, 1971 Researcher - Geophysical study, Nov 1971 Spar I and II - 1965 Thomas Washington - Aries, Kuroshio,equatorial 1971 Sept. 1971 (date) 1971 (date) Nov 1971 (date) 1965 (date) 1971 (date) Simoneau (person) Tupper, George (person) Laurel I and II (platform) Melville (platform) Mt Mitchell I and II (platform) Researcher (platform) Spar I and II (platform) Thomas Washington (platform) Aries (platform) Antilles Ridge (spatial) Whitefoot Aug 1971 Aug 1971 (date) Whitefoot (platform), subjects: Moored oceanographic buoys, subjects: Kuroshio, subjects: Moorings., subjects: pgr, subjects: Moorings, Subsurface, related subjects: Whitefoot, related subjects: USNS Thomas Washington, related subjects: NOAA Ship Mount Mitchell, related subjects: R/V Melville, related subjects: Evergreen (Cutter), related subjects: Captain Bill IV, related subjects: USCGC Spar, related subjects: NOAA Ship Delaware II, related subjects: russian mooring, related subjects: University of Washington. Applied Physics Laboratory., related subjects: R/V Gosnold, related subjects: USS Hudson, related subjects: R/V Crawford, related subjects: R/V Aries, related subjects: R/V Akademik Kurchatov, related subjects: Researcher, related subjects: USCGC Laurel, geographic coverage: site d, geographic coverage: Kuroshio, geographic coverage: Antilles
Texas Tower Project DC-064: Texas Tower Project, Historical Data box: 1, partial content list: 1, notes: Charts, boring location blueprints, geological sections & soundings, correspondence, bottom contours, surveys, soundings, Mechanical Analysis Data Sheets, Feasibility Study Report, science logs, EDO records edo (instrument) Georges Shoals, off New York, Cashes Ledge Georges Shoals (spatial) New York (spatial) Cashes Ledge (spatial), provenance: John Zeigler, subjects: Correspondence, subjects: well samples, subjects: Surveying, subjects: Borehole Seismology, subjects: Sand, subjects: Sounding and soundings, subjects: mechanical analysis data sheets, subjects: edo records, subjects: science logs, subjects: feasibility study report, subjects: Texas Towers, subjects: site surveys, subjects: Bathymetry, subjects: Sediments (Geology), subjects: Geology, related subjects: j.geol. , 65(4):448-449, 1957, related subjects: R/V Crawford, related subjects: R/V Bear, related subjects: R/V Caryn, related subjects: Texas Towers, geographic coverage: Nantucket Shoals, geographic coverage: Browns Bank, geographic coverage: Cashes Ledge, geographic coverage: Georges Bank, geographic coverage: New York (State)