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Showing 21 - 30 of 270
Title Collection Description
Treasures of the Deep WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 757, full title: Treasures of the Deep, media_type: Tape, original_description: Robert Ballard, ocean artifacts
Rear Admiral Kollmorgen Briefing WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 9, full title: Rear Admiral Kollmorgen Briefing, media_type: Tape, original_description: Robert Ballard speaking, plate tectonics and hydrothermal processes at mid ocean spreading centers
Jason Project - WHOI. Master with fonts WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 2884, full title: Jason Project - WHOI. Master with fonts, media_type: Tape, original_description: Chief scientist Robert Ballard, Jason Project 89
Return to the Sea WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Film 772, full title: Return to the Sea, media_type: Film, original_description: man first efforts to work in the sea, O. Barton, W. Beebe, Alvin, A. Vine, W. Rainnie, R. Backus, salvage of Alvin, H. Sanders, H. Jannasch, B. Heezen, M. Tharp, B. Ballard.
Alvin bottom footage WHOI Audio/Visual Collection notes: A-D Strip test 06/09/05 Condition 0, whoi_av_id: Film 600, full title: Alvin bottom footage, media_type: Film, original_description: outtakes, Nassau region
Jason IV, rehearsal test WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 1, whoi_av_id: Tape 1396, full title: Jason IV, rehearsal tape 1, media_type: Tape, original_description: Guaymas Basin, Sea of Cortez, tubeworms and other organisms living off hydrothermal vents, Robert Ballard
Melville Ice-1, Argorise WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 1402 - 1523, full title: Melville Ice-1, Argorise, media_type: Tape, original_description: Geology and geophysics, hydrothermal vent search, Pacific Ocean Equatorial, East Pacific Rise, Robert Ballard Chief Scientist
Merv Griffin Show segment WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 183, full title: Merv Griffin Show segment, media_type: Tape, original_description: Robert Ballard promoting "Born of Fire", about earthquakes, Bob's segment is about 10 minutes, most of show taped
WBZ TV4 interview with Robert Ballard WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 470, full title: WBZ TV4 interview with Robert Ballard, media_type: Tape, original_description: Reporter and field producer Paul Erickson, special series "Secrets of the Deep"
Ring of Fire WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 1, whoi_av_id: Tape 356, full title: Ring of Fire tape 1, media_type: Tape, original_description: Begins with long ocean scene, Easter Island statues and Robert Ballard leaning against one statue. Volcanos, Cyana dives, plate tectonics