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Title Collection Description
Ocean Industry Program, members' meetings WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 7, whoi_av_id: Tape 144, full title: Ocean Industry Program, members' meetings, tape 7, media_type: Tape, original_description: Speaker Frederick Sayles, The oxidation of organic carbon and the preservation of calcium carbonate in recent continental margin sediments
Ocean Industry Program, members' meetings WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 7, whoi_av_id: Tape 144, full title: Ocean Industry Program, members' meetings, tape 7, media_type: Tape, original_description: Speaker Frederick Sayles, The oxidation of organic carbon and the preservation of calcium carbonate in recent continental margin sediments
Health of the Oceans WHOI Audio/Visual Collection notes: List of speakers and topics with time code in control file, whoi_av_id: Tape 638, full title: Health of the Oceans, media_type: Tape, original_description: overview and discussion, panel is James Broadus, John Farrington, Judy McDowell, Fred Sayles, John Stegeman, and Derek Spencer
Health of the Oceans WHOI Audio/Visual Collection notes: List of speakers and topics with time code in control file, whoi_av_id: Tape 638, full title: Health of the Oceans, media_type: Tape, original_description: overview and discussion, panel is James Broadus, John Farrington, Judy McDowell, Fred Sayles, John Stegeman, and Derek Spencer
Oceanus Cruise 326. Coring Cruise. July 1998. CS: Lloyd Kegwin. WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 1, whoi_av_id: Media Tape 1047, full title: Oceanus Cruise 326. Coring Cruise. July 1998. CS: Lloyd Kegwin. Tape 1 of 2, media_type: Media Tape, original_description: Fred Sayles?
Oceanus Cruise 326. Coring Cruise. July 1998. CS: Lloyd Kegwin. WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 1, whoi_av_id: Media Tape 1047?, full title: Oceanus Cruise 326. Coring Cruise. July 1998. CS: Lloyd Kegwin. Tape 1 of 2, media_type: Media Tape, original_description: Fred Sayles?