Oceanus cruise data (CTD, data), 369-1 - 369-3 Description: media: CDs - 2notes: Oceanus cruise data (CTD, data)cruise/dive: 369-1 - 369-3
R/V Oceanus 369 Leg 1 At sea 7/20-7/28/01. Description: tape_number: 1whoi_av_id: Media Tape 2119full title: R/V Oceanus 369 Leg 1 At sea 7/20-7/28/01. Tape 1 of 3media_type: Media Tape
R/V Oceanus 369 Leg 1. At sea and Arrival Iceland. Description: tape_number: 2whoi_av_id: Media Tape 2120full title: R/V Oceanus 369 Leg 1. At sea and Arrival Iceland. 7/29/01 Tape 2 of 3media_type: Media Tape
R/V Oceanus 369 Leg 1 Mooring Deployment Description: whoi_av_id: Media Tape 2118full title: R/V Oceanus 369 Leg 1 Mooring Deploymentmedia_type: Media Tapeoriginal_description: random shots around WHOI dock
R/V Oceanus 369 Leg 1 7/29/01 Departure Iceland Description: tape_number: 3whoi_av_id: Media Tape 2121full title: R/V Oceanus 369 Leg 1 7/29/01 Departure Iceland 8/1/01 Tape 3 of 3media_type: Media Tape