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Showing 11441 - 11450 of 14044 results
Title Collection Description
Watson/Waterbury/Valois Lab Notebooks & Folders DC-060: Watson/Waterbury/Valois Lab Notebooks & Folders, Historical Data box: 2, partial content list: 4, partial content list: 17 lab notebooks, notes: 17 lab notebooks containing data on nitrogen,amino acids,LPS,bacteria,chlorphyll,ATP,biomass,nutrients,microbiology,synechococcus,C14 Other researchers: TJ Novitsky,WG Deuser,JW Farrington,HL Quinby 6 hydrographic sheets for Oceanus cruise 6 were removed and added to DC-9 Novitsky, T. J. (person) Deuser, Werner G. (person) Farrington, John W. (person) Quinby, H. L. (person) Oceanus (platform) 11 folders containing Sargasso Sea LPS ATP biomass bacteria counts; paper strips; Peru nutrient nitrogen hydrographic data; assay directions; isotope tapes, provenance: John Waterbury - 2001, subjects: lab notebooks, subjects: Amino Acids, subjects: Biomass, subjects: Bacteria, subjects: Nutrients., subjects: Isotopes, subjects: Synechococcus, subjects: Hydrography., subjects: Sediments (Geology), subjects: Microbiology, subjects: Carbon--Isotopes., subjects: Sand, subjects: Nitrogen, subjects: watson/waterbury/valois lab notebooks & folders, subjects: data, subjects: Seawater--Sampling., subjects: ATP (Biochemistry), subjects: Assaying, subjects: Chlorophyll, subjects: lps, related subjects: R/V Oceanus, related subjects: R/V Atlantis II, geographic coverage: Sargasso Sea, geographic coverage: Peru, geographic coverage: Africa
C.O.S.T. B2 & B3 Well Data Historical Data, DC-068: C.O.S.T. B2 & B3 Well Data box: 2, partial content list: 2, notes: Strip logs, resistivity logs, physical formation logs, temperature logs, instantaneous drilling evaluation logs - many of these are marked \ Drilling velocity conversion data, daily drilling reports, lithostratigraphy, porosity, uranium & thorium neutron measurements, analog seismic data, program DESED, computer printouts, figures & schematics, provenance: Ralph Stephen/Accession 2006-09, subjects: c.o.s.t. b2 & b3 well data, subjects: program desed, subjects: physical formation logs, subjects: Porosity, subjects: Ocean Heat Flux, subjects: schematics, subjects: Quartz, subjects: Seismology., subjects: Core drilling, subjects: X-Ray Diffraction, subjects: strip logs, subjects: Uranium-thorium dating, subjects: Sediments (Geology), subjects: Lithostratigraphy, subjects: Drill, subjects: Sand, subjects: data, subjects: Offshore drilling for oil, subjects: standard preparation & records, subjects: temperature logs, subjects: Neutrons, subjects: Logbooks, related subjects: Continental Offshore Stratigraphic Test, geographic coverage: Baltimore Canyon, geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean
Sonobuoy seismic profile data DC-048: Sonobuoy seismic profile data, Historical Data box: 1, partial content list: 3 shelves, notes: Continuous seismic profiles,satellite data,Datal runs,XYZ records,acoustic homing system records,single channel profiles,deep towed hydrophone reflection profiles,transponder deployments,OBH records,deep vertical arrays hydrophone (instrument) ocean bottom hydrophone (obh) (instrument) Azores,Brazil,Kane Fracture Zone. R/V Prof.Besnard Collection of binders is housed flat on three shelves rather than in boxes. R/V Prof.Besnard (platform) Azores (spatial) Brazil (spatial) Kane Fracture Zone (spatial) AII 67-1 through 7,75-1 through 7,91-1 through 2,92-1 through 2,93-5 through 7,94-1 through 2,96-3,97-1 through 2,107-6,9 Knorr 96-4,115-3 through 7,115-8,119-1 Chain 96-4,115-3 through 8,119-1 Oceanus 99 Knorr (platform) Chain (platform) Oceanus (platform), provenance: Marge Pacheco/Accession # 2003-46, subjects: Hydrophone, subjects: datal runs, subjects: xyz records, subjects: Acoustics, subjects: OBH - Ocean Bottom Hydrophone, subjects: Satellites, subjects: Seismology., subjects: Seismic reflection method, subjects: Sonobuoys, subjects: Transponders, subjects: Records, subjects: single channel profiles, related subjects: eacm, related subjects: R/V Oceanus, related subjects: IDOE -- International Decade of Ocean Exploration, related subjects: Professor W. Besnard (Ship), related subjects: Brasil/WHOI-72, related subjects: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, related subjects: International Phase of Ocean Drilling (IPOD), related subjects: R/V Atlantis II, related subjects: R/V Knorr, related subjects: EACM - East Atlantic Continental Margin Program, related subjects: USS Chain, geographic coverage: Azores, geographic coverage: Brazil, geographic coverage: Indian Ocean Triple Junction, geographic coverage: Mediterranean Sea, geographic coverage: Capetown, Africa, geographic coverage: Kane Fracture Zone
Ph.D. thesis data Historical Data, DC-205: Ph.D. thesis data box: 3, partial content list: 7, notes: Computer printouts and rolls - filtered seismic signals and reflections, Glomar Challenger profiling Glomar Challenger (platform), provenance: Ralph Stephen 1984 data donation, subjects: ph.d. thesis data, subjects: Seismic reflection method, subjects: glomar challenger profiling, subjects: OSE - Oblique Seismic Experiments, related subjects: OSE - Oblique Seismic Experiments, related subjects: ralph a. stephen's 1978 ph.d. thesis, cambridge university, related subjects: Glomar Challenger, related subjects: BOSE - Bermuda Oblique Seismic Experiments, geographic coverage: Bermuda
VOLMET DC-077: VOLMET, Historical Data box: 1, partial content list: 1, notes: Multi-national World ocean volumetric data survey and rankings; folders containing data worksheets, institution and ship lists, computer plots, subjects: volmet, subjects: survey and rankings, subjects: data worksheets, subjects: computer plots, subjects: institution and ship lists, subjects: multi-national world ocean volumetric data, related subjects: VOLMET, geographic coverage: Indian Ocean, geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean
Ocean Phenomenon WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Film 785, full title: Ocean Phenomenon, media_type: Film, original_description: The deep scattering layer, R. Backus, Alvin, profile of DSL.
JASIN WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Film 862, full title: JASIN, media_type: Film, original_description: Jasin Joint Air-Sea Interaction Experiment, Atlantis II cruise 102
JASIN WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Film 861, full title: JASIN, media_type: Film, original_description: Jasin Joint Air-Sea Interaction Experiment, Atlantis II cruise 102
JASIN WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Film 860, full title: JASIN, media_type: Film, original_description: Jasin Joint Air-Sea Interaction Experiment, Atlantis II cruise 102
Knorr 73-2 WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Film 728a, full title: Knorr 73-2, media_type: Film, original_description: Knorr equator crossing