Knorr 36 Description: whoi_av_id: Film 728full title: Knorr 36media_type: Filmoriginal_description: Unedited recovery cruise, scenes in ship's lounge, etc.
Dave's Knorr footage Description: whoi_av_id: Tape 282full title: Dave's Knorr footagemedia_type: Tapeoriginal_description: footage of Knorr coming into Woods Hole, WHOI dock, people on dock to welcome Knorr.
R/V KNORR no.159 Leg V Coring Cruise off the coast of Brazil Deployment October 1998. CS: D. Oppo Description: tape_number: 1Awhoi_av_id: Media Tape 1065full title: R/V KNORR no.159 Leg V Coring Cruise off the coast of Brazil Deployment --October 1998. CS: D. Oppo \ Tape no.1A of 3media_type: Media Tapeoriginal_description: Coring Cruise and Water Sampling on RV Knorr off Brazil Coast
R/V KNORR no.159 Leg V Coring Cruise off the coast of Brazil Deployment October 1998. CS: D. Oppo Description: tape_number: 1Bwhoi_av_id: Media Tape 1066full title: R/V KNORR no.159 Leg V Coring Cruise off the coast of Brazil Deployment October 1998. CS: D. Oppo Tape no.1B of 3media_type: Media Tapeoriginal_description: Coring Cruise and Water Sampling on RV Knorr off Brazil Coast
R/V KNORR no.159 Leg V Coring Cruise off the coast of Brazil Deployment October 1998. CS: D. Oppo Description: tape_number: 3whoi_av_id: Media Tape 1067full title: R/V KNORR no.159 Leg V. Coring Cruise off the coast of Brazil Deployment October 1998. CS: D.Oppo. Tape no.3 of 3media_type: Media Tapeoriginal_description: Brazil to home leg
Knorr 107, Argo tests Description: whoi_av_id: Tape 1085 - 1090full title: Knorr 107, Argo testsmedia_type: Tapeoriginal_description: Argo video, Robert Ballard Chief Scientist, location Atlantic Ocean north west
R/V Knorr Cruise 161, Leg 7. CS: Ruth Curry May 20-June 5, 2000. CTD and hydrography sampling Description: whoi_av_id: Media Tape 1529full title: R/V Knorr Cruise 161, Leg 7. CS: Ruth Curry May 20-June 5, 2000. CTD and hydrography samplingmedia_type: Media Tapeoriginal_description: Equator Crossing Ceremony, CTD retreival at end of tape
Gulf Stream Description: whoi_av_id: Film 774full title: Gulf Streammedia_type: Filmoriginal_description: Fritz Fuglister, Woods Hole, Atlantis II, Knorr, excellent picture, poor condition
Gulf Stream Description: whoi_av_id: Film 775full title: Gulf Streammedia_type: Filmoriginal_description: same as #775: Fritz Fuglister, Woods Hole, Atlantis II, Knorr , better condition, MN 10842
KN 134-15, Mangus lowerings 1-8, (1084 is cruise highlights) Description: whoi_av_id: Tape 1037 - 1084full title: KN 134-15, Mangus lowerings 1-8, (1084 is cruise highlights)media_type: Tapeoriginal_description: DP tests, locations Mediterranean Sea/ Tyrrhenian Sea/ Marsili Seamont/ Straits of Sicily/ Skerki Bank/ Archeo site, DSL 88-5000- 88-5045