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Showing 10831 - 10840 of 14044 results
Title Collection Description
Tucholke Misc Data Historical Data, DC-072: Tucholke Misc Data box: 6, provenance: 2009--50, subjects: Seismology., subjects: tucholke misc data, related subjects: R/V Kana Keoki, related subjects: Glomar Challenger
HEBBLE and salt fingers Historical Data, DC-082: HEBBLE and salt fingers box: 3, partial content list: 6, notes: C-SALT; SeaData, SCIMP, FAME, BASS Benthic Acoustic Stress Sensor (BASS) current meter (instrument) FAME (project) SCIMP (project) Williams memo in box 1, provenance: A.J.Williams/Acession 2004-21, subjects: CTD - Conductivity Temperature Depth, subjects: SCIMP - Self Imaging Microstructure Profiler, subjects: C-SALT (Caribbean - Sheets And Layers Transects), subjects: benthic acoustic stress sensor (bass) current meter (instrument), subjects: Salt Fingers, subjects: FAME - Fine and Microstructure Experiment, subjects: seadata, subjects: mixing, subjects: HEBBLE, related subjects: R/V Knorr, related subjects: High Energy Benthic Boundary Layer Experiment (HEBBLE), geographic coverage: Norway, geographic coverage: Buzzards Bay (Mass.), geographic coverage: Barbados.
Watson/Waterbury/Valois Lab Notebooks & Folders Historical Data, DC-060: Watson/Waterbury/Valois Lab Notebooks & Folders box: 3, partial content list: 4, partial content list: 14 lab notebooks, notes: 14 lab notebooks containing data on microgiology,cyanobacteria,biomass,C14,synechococcus,nitrifiers,nitrogen,chlorophyll,\ 7 folders - cruise paperwork,expense accounts,station positions,Oceanus 117 XBT, Cape Florida bacteria counts,log copies,paper strips xbt (instrument) Oceanus (platform) Cape Florida (spatial) Other publications - Guide to RSMAS ship operations manual Sept.1981; URI radiation safety guide; files contain poems to the ships\' crew by F.Valois; notebook containing R.Guillard synechococcus date from 1980., provenance: John Waterbury - 2001, subjects: lab notebooks, subjects: Nitrifying bacteria, subjects: Cyanobacteria, subjects: Biomass, subjects: cruise papers, subjects: Bacteria, subjects: Synechococcus, subjects: Hydrography., subjects: Carbon--Isotopes., subjects: Nitrogen, subjects: watson/waterbury/valois lab notebooks & folders, subjects: data, subjects: Microgeology, subjects: Seawater--Sampling., subjects: XBT - Expendable Bathythermograph, subjects: Chlorophyll, subjects: expense accounts, subjects: Logbooks, subjects: station positions, related subjects: R/V Oceanus, related subjects: R/V Columbus Iselin, geographic coverage: Sargasso Sea, geographic coverage: Brazil, geographic coverage: Cape Florida (Florida), geographic coverage: Gulf Stream.
Reduced Data Historical Data, DC-045: Reduced Data box: 16, notes: Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Bermuda, Continental Shelf, Gulf Stream, GEOSECS, Geochemical Ocean Section Study, Project FAMOUS, Transient Traces in the Ocean, GEOSECS (Geochemical Ocean Section Study) (project) GEOSECS (Geochemical Ocean Section Study) (project) Project FAMOUS (project) Mid-Atlantic Ridge (spatial) Bermuda (spatial) Continental Shelf (spatial) Gulf Stream (spatial) Other chief scientists: Luyendyk, B.P., Teal, J.M., Metcalf, W.G., Haedrich, R.L., Worthington, L.V., Barvenik, F.W., Bradley, K.F., Hess, F.R., Brewer, P.G., Bowen, V.T., Burke, J.C., Jenkins, W.J., Luyendyk, B.P. (person) Teal, John M. (person) Metcalf, William G. (person) Haedrich, R. L. (person) Worthington, L. Valentine (person) Barvenik, F.W. (person) Bradley, K.F. (person) Hess, F.R. (person) Brewer, P.G. (person) Bowen, Vaughn T. (person) Burke, J.C. (person) Jenkins, W.J. (person) other ships: Mentor (1,2), Meteor, Panulirus, Panulirus II sailing orders Mentor (platform) Meteor (platform) Panulirus (platform) Panulirus II (platform), subjects: Sailing Orders, subjects: reduced data, subjects: Gulf Stream., subjects: transient traces in the ocean, subjects: Bathymetry, subjects: Bathythermograph., related subjects: Panulirus II (Ship), related subjects: Project Famous, related subjects: R/V Oceanus, related subjects: USS Mentor, related subjects: R/V Knorr, related subjects: GEOSECS Program., related subjects: R/V Panulirus, geographic coverage: Bermuda, geographic coverage: Mid-Atlantic Ridge., geographic coverage: Continental shelf, geographic coverage: Gulf Stream.
C.O.S.T. B2 & B3 Well Data Historical Data, DC-068: C.O.S.T. B2 & B3 Well Data box: 1, partial content list: 2 microfilm rolls, partial content list: 4 paper rolls, notes: Lab & field notebooks, binders, file folders - lithology, heat & thermal conductivity, atomic absorption spectrophotometry, sample density & porosity 2 microfilm rolls & 4 paper rolls - X-ray patterns, lithologic logs, provenance: Ralph Stephen/Accession 2006-09, subjects: c.o.s.t. b2 & b3 well data, subjects: Sand, subjects: notebook, subjects: Porosity, subjects: Lithology, subjects: Ocean Heat Flux, subjects: Atomic absorption spectrophotometry, subjects: Offshore drilling for oil, subjects: Earth--Density, subjects: lab & field, subjects: X-rays, subjects: Sediments (Geology), related subjects: Continental Offshore Stratigraphic Test, geographic coverage: Baltimore Canyon, geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean
Sonobuoy seismic profile data DC-048: Sonobuoy seismic profile data, Historical Data box: 1, partial content list: 3 shelves, notes: Continuous seismic profiles,satellite data,Datal runs,XYZ records,acoustic homing system records,single channel profiles,deep towed hydrophone reflection profiles,transponder deployments,OBH records,deep vertical arrays hydrophone (instrument) ocean bottom hydrophone (obh) (instrument) Azores,Brazil,Kane Fracture Zone. R/V Prof.Besnard Collection of binders is housed flat on three shelves rather than in boxes. R/V Prof.Besnard (platform) Azores (spatial) Brazil (spatial) Kane Fracture Zone (spatial) AII 67-1 through 7,75-1 through 7,91-1 through 2,92-1 through 2,93-5 through 7,94-1 through 2,96-3,97-1 through 2,107-6,9 Knorr 96-4,115-3 through 7,115-8,119-1 Chain 96-4,115-3 through 8,119-1 Oceanus 99 Knorr (platform) Chain (platform) Oceanus (platform), provenance: Marge Pacheco/Accession # 2003-46, subjects: Hydrophone, subjects: datal runs, subjects: xyz records, subjects: Acoustics, subjects: OBH - Ocean Bottom Hydrophone, subjects: Satellites, subjects: Seismology., subjects: Seismic reflection method, subjects: Sonobuoys, subjects: Transponders, subjects: Records, subjects: single channel profiles, related subjects: eacm, related subjects: R/V Oceanus, related subjects: IDOE -- International Decade of Ocean Exploration, related subjects: Professor W. Besnard (Ship), related subjects: Brasil/WHOI-72, related subjects: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, related subjects: International Phase of Ocean Drilling (IPOD), related subjects: R/V Atlantis II, related subjects: R/V Knorr, related subjects: EACM - East Atlantic Continental Margin Program, related subjects: USS Chain, geographic coverage: Azores, geographic coverage: Brazil, geographic coverage: Indian Ocean Triple Junction, geographic coverage: Mediterranean Sea, geographic coverage: Capetown, Africa, geographic coverage: Kane Fracture Zone
East Pacific Rise 21degrees north WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 130, full title: East Pacific Rise 21degrees north, media_type: Tape, original_description: SIT system, SIT landing, RPV final edit with Robert Ballard narration, copy made 2/16/1983
East Pacific Rise 21degrees north WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 130, full title: East Pacific Rise 21degrees north, media_type: Tape, original_description: SIT system, SIT landing, RPV final edit with Robert Ballard narration, copy made 2/16/1983
DOS#3 - Biology, 1084 Data Inventory media: VHS videocasette - 1 tape, audio casette tapes - 1 tape, notes: DOS#3 - Biology, cruise/dive: 1084
DOS#3 - Biology, 1084 Data Inventory media: VHS videocasette - 1 tape, audio casette tapes - 1 tape, notes: DOS#3 - Biology, cruise/dive: 1084