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Showing 10191 - 10200 of 14044 results
Title Collection Description
Watson/Waterbury/Valois Lab Notebooks & Folders Historical Data, DC-060: Watson/Waterbury/Valois Lab Notebooks & Folders box: 3, partial content list: 4, partial content list: 14 lab notebooks, notes: 14 lab notebooks containing data on microgiology,cyanobacteria,biomass,C14,synechococcus,nitrifiers,nitrogen,chlorophyll,\ 7 folders - cruise paperwork,expense accounts,station positions,Oceanus 117 XBT, Cape Florida bacteria counts,log copies,paper strips xbt (instrument) Oceanus (platform) Cape Florida (spatial) Other publications - Guide to RSMAS ship operations manual Sept.1981; URI radiation safety guide; files contain poems to the ships\' crew by F.Valois; notebook containing R.Guillard synechococcus date from 1980., provenance: John Waterbury - 2001, subjects: lab notebooks, subjects: Nitrifying bacteria, subjects: Cyanobacteria, subjects: Biomass, subjects: cruise papers, subjects: Bacteria, subjects: Synechococcus, subjects: Hydrography., subjects: Carbon--Isotopes., subjects: Nitrogen, subjects: watson/waterbury/valois lab notebooks & folders, subjects: data, subjects: Microgeology, subjects: Seawater--Sampling., subjects: XBT - Expendable Bathythermograph, subjects: Chlorophyll, subjects: expense accounts, subjects: Logbooks, subjects: station positions, related subjects: R/V Oceanus, related subjects: R/V Columbus Iselin, geographic coverage: Sargasso Sea, geographic coverage: Brazil, geographic coverage: Cape Florida (Florida), geographic coverage: Gulf Stream.
C.O.S.T. B2 & B3 Well Data Historical Data, DC-068: C.O.S.T. B2 & B3 Well Data box: 2, partial content list: 2, notes: Strip logs, resistivity logs, physical formation logs, temperature logs, instantaneous drilling evaluation logs - many of these are marked \ Drilling velocity conversion data, daily drilling reports, lithostratigraphy, porosity, uranium & thorium neutron measurements, analog seismic data, program DESED, computer printouts, figures & schematics, provenance: Ralph Stephen/Accession 2006-09, subjects: c.o.s.t. b2 & b3 well data, subjects: program desed, subjects: physical formation logs, subjects: Porosity, subjects: Ocean Heat Flux, subjects: schematics, subjects: Quartz, subjects: Seismology., subjects: Core drilling, subjects: X-Ray Diffraction, subjects: strip logs, subjects: Uranium-thorium dating, subjects: Sediments (Geology), subjects: Lithostratigraphy, subjects: Drill, subjects: Sand, subjects: data, subjects: Offshore drilling for oil, subjects: standard preparation & records, subjects: temperature logs, subjects: Neutrons, subjects: Logbooks, related subjects: Continental Offshore Stratigraphic Test, geographic coverage: Baltimore Canyon, geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean
C.O.S.T. B2 & B3 Well Data Historical Data, DC-068: C.O.S.T. B2 & B3 Well Data box: 1, partial content list: 2 microfilm rolls, partial content list: 4 paper rolls, notes: Lab & field notebooks, binders, file folders - lithology, heat & thermal conductivity, atomic absorption spectrophotometry, sample density & porosity 2 microfilm rolls & 4 paper rolls - X-ray patterns, lithologic logs, provenance: Ralph Stephen/Accession 2006-09, subjects: c.o.s.t. b2 & b3 well data, subjects: Sand, subjects: notebook, subjects: Porosity, subjects: Lithology, subjects: Ocean Heat Flux, subjects: Atomic absorption spectrophotometry, subjects: Offshore drilling for oil, subjects: Earth--Density, subjects: lab & field, subjects: X-rays, subjects: Sediments (Geology), related subjects: Continental Offshore Stratigraphic Test, geographic coverage: Baltimore Canyon, geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean
Ring of Fire Cyana dive #7 WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 341, full title: Ring of Fire Cyana dive #7 cont, media_type: Tape, original_description: video taken in sub with 3 passengers, underwater video seen through porthole of sub. Plate tectonics, volcanos, Easter Island
Ring of Fire Cyana dive #7 WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 342, full title: Ring of Fire Cyana dive #7 cont, media_type: Tape, original_description: video taken in sub with 3 passengers, underwater video seen through porthole of sub. Plate tectonics, volcanos, Easter Island
Ring of Fire Cyana dive no. 7 cont WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 341, full title: Ring of Fire Cyana dive no. 7 cont, media_type: Tape, original_description: video taken in sub with 3 passengers, underwater video seen through porthole of sub. Plate tectonics, volcanos, Easter Island
Ring of Fire Cyana dive #7 WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 342, full title: Ring of Fire Cyana dive #7 cont, media_type: Tape, original_description: video taken in sub with 3 passengers, underwater video seen through porthole of sub. Plate tectonics, volcanos, Easter Island
Ring of Fire Cyana dive no. 7 cont WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 342, full title: Ring of Fire Cyana dive no. 7 cont, media_type: Tape, original_description: video taken in sub with 3 passengers, underwater video seen through porthole of sub. Plate tectonics, volcanos, Easter Island
Ring of Fire Cyana dives 2-4 WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 343, full title: Ring of Fire Cyana dives 2-4, media_type: Tape, original_description: video taken in sub with 3 passengers, underwater video seen through porthole of sub. Plate tectonics, volcanos, Easter Island
Ring of Fire WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 9, whoi_av_id: Tape 364, full title: Ring of Fire tape 9, media_type: Tape, original_description: Keyworks: Easter Island, Robert Ballard, volcanos, plate tectonics, Cyana dives