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Showing 11321 - 11330 of 14044 results
Title Collection Description
Development of synthetic seismograms Historical Data, DC-201: Development of synthetic seismograms box: 5, partial content list: 6 boxes, notes: Lee Gove, Rough/Sharp interface & development, SYNACL listings, FINDIF source listings, Reflectivity assorted listings, tests, sign changes in P-S, Detrick Model of Kane Fracture Zone, Baggeroer Model for Conversions in Sediment Gove, Lee (person) Kane Fracture Zone (spatial) Purdy Model for ROSE multiples, Toronto Code, Schmidt's stability programs, Burton's programs and log files Purdy, Graham M. (person) ROSE (Rivera Ocean Seismic Experiments) (project) Inventory list "R.A.Stephen Archives #95-11" included Stephen, Ralph A. (person), provenance: Ralph Stephen 1996 data donation, subjects: ROSE - Rivera Ocean Seismic Experiment, subjects: inventory list, subjects: Seismograms, subjects: Baggeroer Model, subjects: Finite difference method, subjects: Seismic reflection method, subjects: sign changes in p-s, subjects: Kane Fracture Zone, subjects: burton's programs and log files, subjects: Detrick Model of the Kane Fracture Zone, subjects: r.a.stephen archives, subjects: SYNACL - Synthetic Acoustic Logging, subjects: schmidt's stability programs, subjects: Geological modeling, subjects: refl - reflectivity, subjects: Marine sediments--Mathematical models., subjects: tests, subjects: rough/sharp interface & development, subjects: toronto code, related subjects: development of synthetic seismograms, geographic coverage: Kane Fracture Zone
Development of synthetic seismograms DC-201: Development of synthetic seismograms, Historical Data box: 4, partial content list: 6 boxes, notes: FINDIF listings with MODS & FIXES,FINDIF on the Cray,TT programs,reflectivity test runs,FINDIF software, output & benchmarks,polarization programs & data, SYNACL ABS BNDY for slow formation, CROSE (Costa Rica Oblique Seismic Experiment) LSQ fit CROSE (Costa Rica Oblique Seismic Experiment) (project) S series FINDIF reef models, miscellaneous listings Inventory list "R.A.Stephen Archives #95-10" included, provenance: Ralph Stephen 1996 data donation, subjects: inventory list, subjects: CROSE - Costa Rica Oblique Seismic Experiment, subjects: miscellaneous listings, subjects: lsq fit, subjects: Cray, subjects: r.a.stephen archives, subjects: SYNACL - Synthetic Acoustic Logging, subjects: output & benchmarks, subjects: Seismograms, subjects: reef models, subjects: Finite difference method, subjects: refl - reflectivity, subjects: programs, subjects: Seismic reflection method, subjects: polarization programs & data, related subjects: development of synthetic seismograms
Aircraft logs, rainfall data, windstress DC-011: Aircraft logs, rainfall data, windstress, Historical Data box: 1, partial content list: 1 box, notes: Rainfall data is from WHOI ships. Windstress in the North Atlantic Examples of data in the Gulf of Maine Refer to MC-26 for related information. WHOI (organization) North Atlantic (spatial) Gulf of Maine (spatial), provenance: Andrew F. Bunker, subjects: Wind, subjects: data, subjects: Rainfall, subjects: Logbooks, geographic coverage: North Atlantic Ocean, geographic coverage: Gulf of Maine
Tucholke Misc Data DC-072: Tucholke Misc Data, Historical Data box: 5, notes: Wilkes stations: 343418, 343422, 343517 Bartlett stations: 75A, 75B, 75D, 75F, 75G, 75H, 77A, 77B, 77C, 79A Discovery 84 Wilkes (platform) Bartlett (platform) Discovery (platform) Wilkes stations: 343418, 343422, 343517 (spatial) Bartlett stations: 75A, 75B, 75D, 75F, 75G, 75H, 77A, 77B, 77C, 79A (spatial), provenance: 2009--50, subjects: Seismology., subjects: tucholke misc data, related subjects: RRS Discovery, related subjects: USNS Bartlett, related subjects: USS Wilkes, geographic coverage: wilkes stations: 343418, 343422, 343517, geographic coverage: bartlett stations: 75a, 75b, 75d, 75f, 75g, 75h, 77a, 77b, 77c, 79a
Tucholke Misc Data Historical Data, DC-072: Tucholke Misc Data box: 9, notes: Hudson (ship): cruise 84 - Echochamber survey. Kroonvlag projent; E.N. Atlantic. Seismic stratigraphy; W.N. Atlantic (1970s). DSDP leg 43 1970s (date) Hudson (platform) DSDP (Deep Sea Drilling Project) (project) Kroonvlag projent (project) Greater Antilles Outer Ridge. CORES - 03/1972 03/1972 (date) CORES (project) Antilles Outer Ridge (spatial), provenance: 2009--50, subjects: Surveys, subjects: cores (project), subjects: kroonvlag projent (project), subjects: Seismology., subjects: Deep Sea Drilling Project., subjects: Seismic Stratigraphy, subjects: tucholke misc data, related subjects: USS Hudson, related subjects: R/V Atlantis II, related subjects: Atlantis (Ketch : 1931-1966), geographic coverage: North West Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W), geographic coverage: Antilles
HEBBLE and salt fingers Historical Data, DC-082: HEBBLE and salt fingers box: 1, partial content list: 6, notes: C-SALT; SeaData, SCIMP, FAME, BASS, OMNI Benthic Acoustic Stress Sensor (BASS) current meter (instrument) FAME (project) SCIMP (project) Williams memo in box 1, provenance: A.J.Williams/Acession 2004-21, subjects: CTD - Conductivity Temperature Depth, subjects: SCIMP - Self Imaging Microstructure Profiler, subjects: C-SALT (Caribbean - Sheets And Layers Transects), subjects: benthic acoustic stress sensor (bass) current meter (instrument), subjects: Salt Fingers, subjects: FAME - Fine and Microstructure Experiment, subjects: seadata, subjects: mixing, subjects: HEBBLE, related subjects: R/V Oceanus, related subjects: High Energy Benthic Boundary Layer Experiment (HEBBLE), geographic coverage: Strafford Channel, geographic coverage: vents, geographic coverage: New Jersey.
Watson/Waterbury/Valois Lab Notebooks & Folders DC-060: Watson/Waterbury/Valois Lab Notebooks & Folders, Historical Data box: 2, partial content list: 4, partial content list: 17 lab notebooks, notes: 17 lab notebooks containing data on nitrogen,amino acids,LPS,bacteria,chlorphyll,ATP,biomass,nutrients,microbiology,synechococcus,C14 Other researchers: TJ Novitsky,WG Deuser,JW Farrington,HL Quinby 6 hydrographic sheets for Oceanus cruise 6 were removed and added to DC-9 Novitsky, T. J. (person) Deuser, Werner G. (person) Farrington, John W. (person) Quinby, H. L. (person) Oceanus (platform) 11 folders containing Sargasso Sea LPS ATP biomass bacteria counts; paper strips; Peru nutrient nitrogen hydrographic data; assay directions; isotope tapes, provenance: John Waterbury - 2001, subjects: lab notebooks, subjects: Amino Acids, subjects: Biomass, subjects: Bacteria, subjects: Nutrients., subjects: Isotopes, subjects: Synechococcus, subjects: Hydrography., subjects: Sediments (Geology), subjects: Microbiology, subjects: Carbon--Isotopes., subjects: Sand, subjects: Nitrogen, subjects: watson/waterbury/valois lab notebooks & folders, subjects: data, subjects: Seawater--Sampling., subjects: ATP (Biochemistry), subjects: Assaying, subjects: Chlorophyll, subjects: lps, related subjects: R/V Oceanus, related subjects: R/V Atlantis II, geographic coverage: Sargasso Sea, geographic coverage: Peru, geographic coverage: Africa
Reduced Data DC-045: Reduced Data, Historical Data box: 17, notes: Long Island Sound Long Island Sound (spatial) Other chief scientists: Holmes, J.F., Ballard, R.D. Holmes, J.F. (person) Ballard, Robert D. (person) other ships: Reliance (cruise 4-6), Researcher WMM, Rehoboth (cruise 6), R4D (aircraft), ALCOA Seaprobe, Stirni (cruises 1,3),A.E. Verrill, USGS Northwind, Deutschland, Meteor, USGS Eastwind, Westwind, Evergreen sailing orders Reliance (platform) Researcher (platform) Rehoboth (platform) R4D (aircraft) (platform) ALCOA Seaprobe (platform) Stirni (platform) Northwind (platform) Deutschland (platform) Meteor (platform) Eastwind (platform) Westwind (platform) Evergreen (platform), subjects: Sailing Orders, subjects: reduced data, subjects: Bathymetry, subjects: Bathythermograph., related subjects: R4D (Airplane), related subjects: Panulirus II (Ship), related subjects: USCGC Westwind, related subjects: USS Rehoboth, related subjects: Stirni (Ship), related subjects: Meteor (Ship), related subjects: Evergreen (Cutter), related subjects: Northwind (Cutter), related subjects: USCGC Reliance, related subjects: R/V Physalia, related subjects: Researcher, related subjects: Eastwind (Cutter), geographic coverage: Long Island Sound
C.O.S.T. B2 & B3 Well Data Historical Data, DC-068: C.O.S.T. B2 & B3 Well Data box: 2, partial content list: 2, notes: Strip logs, resistivity logs, physical formation logs, temperature logs, instantaneous drilling evaluation logs - many of these are marked \ Drilling velocity conversion data, daily drilling reports, lithostratigraphy, porosity, uranium & thorium neutron measurements, analog seismic data, program DESED, computer printouts, figures & schematics, provenance: Ralph Stephen/Accession 2006-09, subjects: c.o.s.t. b2 & b3 well data, subjects: program desed, subjects: physical formation logs, subjects: Porosity, subjects: Ocean Heat Flux, subjects: schematics, subjects: Quartz, subjects: Seismology., subjects: Core drilling, subjects: X-Ray Diffraction, subjects: strip logs, subjects: Uranium-thorium dating, subjects: Sediments (Geology), subjects: Lithostratigraphy, subjects: Drill, subjects: Sand, subjects: data, subjects: Offshore drilling for oil, subjects: standard preparation & records, subjects: temperature logs, subjects: Neutrons, subjects: Logbooks, related subjects: Continental Offshore Stratigraphic Test, geographic coverage: Baltimore Canyon, geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean
C.O.S.T. B2 & B3 Well Data Historical Data, DC-068: C.O.S.T. B2 & B3 Well Data box: 1, partial content list: 2 microfilm rolls, partial content list: 4 paper rolls, notes: Lab & field notebooks, binders, file folders - lithology, heat & thermal conductivity, atomic absorption spectrophotometry, sample density & porosity 2 microfilm rolls & 4 paper rolls - X-ray patterns, lithologic logs, provenance: Ralph Stephen/Accession 2006-09, subjects: c.o.s.t. b2 & b3 well data, subjects: Sand, subjects: notebook, subjects: Porosity, subjects: Lithology, subjects: Ocean Heat Flux, subjects: Atomic absorption spectrophotometry, subjects: Offshore drilling for oil, subjects: Earth--Density, subjects: lab & field, subjects: X-rays, subjects: Sediments (Geology), related subjects: Continental Offshore Stratigraphic Test, geographic coverage: Baltimore Canyon, geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean