DLA Data & Collections Catalog
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Please note that this database is not comprehensive; DLA staff continue to catalog our holdings, and new records are still being added.
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Title | Collection | Description |
Jules Jaffe, IPC | WHOI Audio/Visual Collection | tape_number: 1, whoi_av_id: Tape 465, full title: Jules Jaffe, IPC #1, media_type: Tape, original_description: Information processing center, Jules Jaffee and others looking at computer screen showing Mid Atlantic Ridge, another model shows ocean floor |
Jules Jaffe, IPC | WHOI Audio/Visual Collection | tape_number: 1, whoi_av_id: Tape 465, full title: Jules Jaffe, IPC no. 1, media_type: Tape, original_description: Information processing center, Jules Jaffee and others looking at computer screen showing Mid Atlantic Ridge, another model shows ocean floor |
Jules Jaffe, IPC | WHOI Audio/Visual Collection | tape_number: 2, whoi_av_id: Tape 466, full title: Jules Jaffe, IPC #2, media_type: Tape, original_description: More examples of computer models |
Jules Jaffe computer animation original | WHOI Audio/Visual Collection | whoi_av_id: Tape 463, full title: Jules Jaffe computer animation original, media_type: Tape, original_description: Computer animation - Peanut butter club, introduction with Jules Jaffe |
Jules Jaffe, IPC | WHOI Audio/Visual Collection | tape_number: 1, whoi_av_id: Tape 465, full title: Jules Jaffe, IPC #1, media_type: Tape, original_description: Information processing center, Jules Jaffee and others looking at computer screen showing Mid Atlantic Ridge, another model shows ocean floor |
Briny Deep Ocean Instrument Exhibit | WHOI Audio/Visual Collection | whoi_av_id: Tape 756, full title: Briny Deep Ocean Instrument Exhibit, media_type: Tape, original_description: WHOI historical instruments are part of exhibit |
Alvin fabrication | WHOI Audio/Visual Collection | notes: A-D Strip test 02/10/05 Condition 0, whoi_av_id: Film 214, full title: Alvin fabrication, media_type: Film, original_description: Taken at General Mills electronics group, also Thermotech Industries |
Sea keeping model tests | WHOI Audio/Visual Collection | notes: A-D Strip test 02/10/05 Condition 0, whoi_av_id: Film 219, full title: Sea keeping model tests, media_type: Film, original_description: Sea keeping model tests of Alvin |
General scenes | WHOI Audio/Visual Collection | notes: A-D Strip test 02/10/05 Condition 1, whoi_av_id: Film 211, full title: General Scenes, media_type: Film, original_description: General scenes building Alvin, informative film |
Alvin model tests | WHOI Audio/Visual Collection | notes: A-D Strip test 02/10/05 Condition 1, whoi_av_id: Film 220, full title: Alvin model test movies, media_type: Film, original_description: Alvin model test movies |