DLA Data & Collections Catalog

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Showing 3401 - 3410 of 14044 results
Title Collection Description
Oceanus 379. June 1-14, 2002. CS: Larry Madin. Shelf and Slope break from Cape May to Cape Hatteras WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 1, whoi_av_id: Media Tape 2227, full title: Oceanus 379. June 1-14, 2002. CS: Larry Madin. Shelf and Slope break from Cape May to Cape Hatteras. Tape 1, media_type: Media Tape
Oceanus 379. June 1-14, 2002. CS: Larry Madin. Shelf and Slope break from Cape May to Cape Hatteras WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 2, whoi_av_id: Media Tape 2228, full title: Oceanus 379. June 1-14, 2002. CS: Larry Madin. Shelf and Slope break from Cape May to Cape Hatteras Tape 2, media_type: Media Tape
Oceanus 379. June 1-14, 2002. CS: Larry Madin. Shelf and Slope break from Cape May to Cape Hatteras WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 3, whoi_av_id: Media Tape 2229, full title: Oceanus 379. June 1-14, 2002. CS: Larry Madin. Shelf and Slope break from Cape May to Cape Hatteras Tape 3, media_type: Media Tape
Atlantis cruise data, 7-14 Data Inventory media: CDs - 1, notes: Atlantis cruise data, cruise/dive: 7-14
WHOI/MIT Graduation Ceremony - June 5, 2002 - WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 1, whoi_av_id: Tape 3093, full title: WHOI/MIT Graduation Ceremony - June 5, 2002 - tape no.1, media_type: Tape
WHOI/MIT Graduation Ceremony - June 5, 2002 - WHOI Audio/Visual Collection tape_number: 1, whoi_av_id: Tape 3093, full title: WHOI/MIT Graduation Ceremony - June 5, 2002 - tape no.1, media_type: Tape
Joint Program Graduation Ceremony WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 755, full title: Joint Program Graduation Ceremony, media_type: Tape, original_description: Office of Academic Programs, MIT and WHOI Joint Program graduation
Joint Program Graduation Ceremony WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Tape 755, full title: Joint Program Graduation Ceremony, media_type: Tape, original_description: Office of Academic Programs, MIT and WHOI Joint Program graduation
R/V Atlantis Voyage 7, Leg XII. June 2 and 3, 2002 - Diving. CS: Hammond and Shank. Galapagos Rift WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Media Tape 2223, full title: R/V Atlantis Voyage 7, Leg XII. June 2 and 3, 2002 - Diving. CS: Hammond and Shank. Galapagos Rift, media_type: Media Tape
R/V Atlantis Voyage 7, Leg XII. June 7 and 8, 2002. Galapagos WHOI Audio/Visual Collection whoi_av_id: Media Tape 2225, full title: R/V Atlantis Voyage 7, Leg XII. June 7 and 8, 2002. Galapagos, media_type: Media Tape, original_description: Land shots