DLA Data & Collections Catalog
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Please note that this database is not comprehensive; DLA staff continue to catalog our holdings, and new records are still being added.
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Title | Collection | Description |
Hudson Canyon, Reel 5, unknown | Data Inventory | media: Magnetic tape, media: type unknown 1" (25mm) - 1 8" reel, notes: Hudson Canyon, Reel 5, cruise/dive: unknown |
raw sonar data, bathy postscript chart & A0, Nav_LBL, Nav_Disp, lowerings, csv, dep, has, hns, jds, xbw, mag, oct, pns, rng, wir, TN16, cont'd. | Data Inventory | notes: raw sonar data, bathy postscript chart & A0, Nav_LBL, Nav_Disp, lowerings, csv, dep, has, hns, jds, xbw, mag, oct, pns, rng, wir, cruise/dive: TN16, cont'd. |
FARA '02?, unknown | Data Inventory | media: 5.25" optical disk cartridges - 61, notes: FARA '02?, cruise/dive: unknown |
unknown, EW-9416 | Data Inventory | media: 3490E Multi-channel seismic tapes - 158 cassettes, notes: unknown, cruise/dive: EW-9416 |
"received from Dick Backus 3/2000" - some of tapes are marked as follows: 4 - 1967, 4 - ?, 2 - 227, 1 each - 1967, 304, 305, 306, 299, 230, "228 & 232"; all the rest are unmarked, unknown | Data Inventory | media: 1/4" reel-to-reel audio tapes - 21 tapes, notes: "received from Dick Backus 3/2000" - some of tapes are marked as follows: 4 - 1967, 4 - ?, 2 - 227, 1 each - 1967, 304, 305, 306, 299, 230, "228 & 232"; all the rest are unmarked, cruise/dive: unknown |
parsed data archive (gzip files: csv, ctd, jds., lss, mag, ship, sm2k, sys, nav, veh [.OCT]; dep, alt, xbw), DSL Virtual Van Data (.jpg & .eic), raw data archive (gzip files: JAS, CSV, DNV), dvlnav, lbl, disp_dp, data, docs, 7-20, cont'd. | Data Inventory | notes: parsed data archive (gzip files: csv, ctd, jds., lss, mag, ship, sm2k, sys, nav, veh [.OCT]; dep, alt, xbw), DSL Virtual Van Data (.jpg & .eic), raw data archive (gzip files: JAS, CSV, DNV), dvlnav, lbl, disp_dp, data, docs, cruise/dive: 7-20, cont'd. |
FVSK Long Term, 1986, 120 | Data Inventory | media: 35mm reels - 2, notes: FVSK Long Term, 1986, cruise/dive: 120 |
Alvin 3 - Mac in Alvin, unknown | Data Inventory | media: 1/4" reel-to-reel audio tapes - 1 tape, notes: Alvin 3 - Mac in Alvin, cruise/dive: unknown |
Alvin 5 - #B, unknown | Data Inventory | media: 1/4" reel-to-reel audio tapes - 1 tape, notes: Alvin 5 - #B, cruise/dive: unknown |
sound track for program "Science of the Sea", none | Data Inventory | media: Magnetic tape (audio?) 1/4" - 1 11" reel, notes: sound track for program "Science of the Sea", cruise/dive: none |