JASON Hamilton/Scourge raw ESCs (raw Marquest fmtted images, included "dd'ed" tar files for dcr's with read errs; raw, normalized, equalized images; processed ESC's (tifs only), , 1990 Project
media: CDs - 28
notes: JASON Hamilton/Scourge raw ESCs (raw Marquest fmtted images, included "dd'ed" tar files for dcr's with read errs; raw, normalized, equalized images; processed ESC's (tifs only),
notes: also nav, sre, dme, sle, jbf, sys, esc, oth; Nav_Bernoullis, pns, shr, spr, cvs files; jpg's; profile data
cruise/dive: 1990 Project
cruise/dive: 1990 project, cont'd.