Historical Data

This collection contains historical data, ranging from bathythermograph plots from the early 20th century to seismic profile recordings.

Hydrographic log sheets

box: 6
partial content list: 30 boxes
notes: Hydrographic log sheets.
provenance: Physical Oceanography dept., AC2004-24
subjects: Hydrography.
subjects: Sea temperature
related subjects: R/V Crawford
geographic coverage: Pacific Ocean
geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean
Sea temperature

Hydrographic log sheets

box: 7
partial content list: 30 boxes
notes: Hydrographic log sheets.
provenance: Physical Oceanography dept., AC2004-24
subjects: Hydrography.
subjects: Sea temperature
related subjects: R/V Crawford
geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean
Sea temperature

Hydrographic log sheets

box: 4
partial content list: 30 boxes
notes: Hydrographic log sheets.
provenance: Physical Oceanography dept., AC2004-24
subjects: Hydrography.
subjects: Sea temperature
related subjects: USS Chain
geographic coverage: Western Atlantic
Sea temperature

Hydrographic log sheets

box: 5
partial content list: 30 boxes
notes: Hydrographic log sheets.
provenance: Physical Oceanography dept., AC2004-24
subjects: Hydrography.
subjects: Sea temperature
related subjects: USS Chain
geographic coverage: Western Atlantic
Sea temperature

Hydrographic log sheets

box: 8
partial content list: 30 boxes
notes: Hydrographic log sheets. Includes some temperature and salinity curves.
provenance: Physical Oceanography dept., AC2004-24
subjects: Salinity.
subjects: Hydrography.
subjects: Sea temperature
subjects: curves
related subjects: R/V Crawford
geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean
Sea temperature

Hydrographic log sheets

box: 9
partial content list: 30 boxes
notes: Hydrographic log sheets.
provenance: Physical Oceanography dept., AC2004-24
subjects: Hydrography.
subjects: Sea temperature
related subjects: R/V Crawford
geographic coverage: Atlantic Ocean
Sea temperature

OSE - Oblique Seismic Experiment

box: 1
partial content list: 2
notes: 2 Gaylord boxes & 1 notebook - notes, memos, geophone positions, borehole data geophone (instrument) Glomar Challenger leg 92, Deep Sea Drilling Project Glomar Challenger (platform) DSDP (Deep Sea Drilling Project) (project) Inventory list "R.A.Stephen Archives #95-8" included. SOBO Shots UV records discarded 9/09 per RA Stephen. Stephen, Ralph A. (person) SOBO (project)
provenance: Ralph Stephen 1996 data donation
subjects: inventory list
subjects: CROSE - Costa Rica Oblique Seismic Experiment
subjects: Borehole Seismology
subjects: r.a.stephen archives
subjects: Geophone
subjects: memos
subjects: notes
subjects: OSE - Oblique Seismic Experiments
related subjects: DSDP - Deep Sea Drilling Project
related subjects: OSE - Oblique Seismic Experiments
related subjects: Glomar Challenger
geographic coverage: Costa Rica Ridge
inventory list
CROSE - Costa Rica Oblique Seismic Experiment
Borehole Seismology
r.a.stephen archives
OSE - Oblique Seismic Experiments

Bolmer, S. Thompson [dla:4df1da28-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Stephen, Ralph A. [dla:4e04eef6-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Development of synthetic seismograms

box: 6
partial content list: 6 boxes
notes: Lee Gove, Rough/Sharp interface & development, SYNACL listings, FINDIF source listings, Reflectivity assorted listings, tests, sign changes in P-S, Detrick Model of Kane Fracture Zone, Baggeroer Model for Conversions in Sediment Gove, Lee (person) Kane Fracture Zone (spatial) Purdy Model for ROSE multiples, Toronto Code, Schmidt's stability programs, Burton's programs and log files Purdy, Graham M. (person) Schmidt, William (person) Burton, Michael (person) ROSE (Rivera Ocean Seismic Experiments) (project) Inventory list "R.A.Stephen Archives #95-11" included Stephen, Ralph A. (person)
provenance: Ralph Stephen 1996 data donation
subjects: ROSE - Rivera Ocean Seismic Experiment
subjects: inventory list
subjects: Baggeroer Model
subjects: Seismograms
subjects: Finite difference method
subjects: Seismic reflection method
subjects: sign changes in p-s
subjects: Kane Fracture Zone
subjects: burton's programs and log files
subjects: Detrick Model of the Kane Fracture Zone
subjects: r.a.stephen archives
subjects: SYNACL - Synthetic Acoustic Logging
subjects: schmidt's stability programs
subjects: Geological modeling
subjects: refl - reflectivity
subjects: tests
subjects: Marine sediments--Mathematical models.
subjects: rough/sharp interface & development
subjects: toronto code
related subjects: ROSE - Rivera Ocean Seismic Experiment
related subjects: development of synthetic seismograms
geographic coverage: Kane Fracture Zone
ROSE - Rivera Ocean Seismic Experiment
inventory list
Baggeroer Model
Finite difference method
Seismic reflection method
sign changes in p-s
Kane Fracture Zone
burton's programs and log files
Detrick Model of the Kane Fracture Zone
r.a.stephen archives
SYNACL - Synthetic Acoustic Logging
schmidt's stability programs
Geological modeling
refl - reflectivity
Marine sediments--Mathematical models.
rough/sharp interface & development
toronto code

Gove, Lee [dla:4df845ca-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]


Detrick, Robert S. [dla:4df53c22-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]



Stephen, Ralph A. [dla:4e04eef6-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Heat Flow

box: 1
partial content list: 3
notes: Calibrations and station data plots and calculations
provenance: R. von Herzen
subjects: plots
subjects: Calibration
subjects: calculations
subjects: station data
subjects: Ocean Heat Flux
related subjects: RISEPAC Expedition
geographic coverage: East Pacific Rise
geographic coverage: Pacific Ocean
station data
Ocean Heat Flux

von Herzen, Richard Pierre Von [dla:4e06aa48-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

OSE - Oblique Seismic Experiment

box: 2
partial content list: 3 microfilm
notes: 3 microfilm - Challenger 88 reflection airgun,bathymetry, magnetics, NORDA-362 Files,notebooks & folders - digital processing, JOSE II notebooks, sound velocity, borehole AMP, particle motion plots, navigation airgun (instrument) NORDA (organization) Challenger (platform) JOSE II (Oblique Seismic Experiments) (project) Glomar Challenger leg 88, Deep Sea Drilling Project shipboard procedures manual, borehole geophone invoices & paperwork, summary drafts, correspondence. geophone (instrument) Glomar Challenger (platform) DSDP (Deep Sea Drilling Project) (project) Inventory list "R.A.Stephen Archives #95-6" included. LASE-Gever Stuff discarded 9/09 per RA Stephen. BOSE OSE to ROSE conversion printouts. SOBO reflection plots printouts from "R.A.Archives #95-5". Stephen, Ralph A. (person) BOSE (Bermuda Oblique Seismic Experiments) (project) OSE (Oblique Seismic Experiments) (project) ROSE (Rivera Ocean Seismic Experiments) (project) SOBO (project)
provenance: Ralph Stephen 1996 data donation
subjects: ROSE - Rivera Ocean Seismic Experiment
subjects: inventory list
subjects: norda-362 files
subjects: JOSE - Japan Oblique Seismic Experiment
subjects: Particle Motion
subjects: invoices & paperwork
subjects: digital processing
subjects: Geophone
subjects: Deep Sea Drilling Project.
subjects: Navigation.
subjects: Seismic reflection method
subjects: Airgun
subjects: OSE - Oblique Seismic Experiments
subjects: bose (bermuda oblique seismic experiments)
subjects: Bathymetry
subjects: Correspondence
subjects: Borehole Seismology
subjects: r.a.stephen archives
subjects: JOSE II - Japan Oblique Seismic Experiment
subjects: notebook
subjects: Magnetics
subjects: r.a.archives
subjects: Sound Velocity
subjects: summary drafts
subjects: challenger 88
related subjects: ROSE - Rivera Ocean Seismic Experiment
related subjects: JOSE - Japan Oblique Seismic Experiment
related subjects: JOSE II - Japan Oblique Seismic Experiment
related subjects: Glomar Challenger
related subjects: NORDA
related subjects: SOBO - Son Of BOSE
related subjects: DSDP - Deep Sea Drilling Project
related subjects: OSE - Oblique Seismic Experiments
related subjects: BOSE - Bermuda Oblique Seismic Experiments
geographic coverage: Japan
ROSE - Rivera Ocean Seismic Experiment
inventory list
norda-362 files
JOSE - Japan Oblique Seismic Experiment
Particle Motion
invoices & paperwork
digital processing
Deep Sea Drilling Project.
Seismic reflection method
OSE - Oblique Seismic Experiments
bose (bermuda oblique seismic experiments)
Borehole Seismology
r.a.stephen archives
JOSE II - Japan Oblique Seismic Experiment
Sound Velocity
summary drafts
challenger 88

Bolmer, S. Thompson [dla:4df1da28-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]

Stephen, Ralph A. [dla:4e04eef6-061b-11e1-8e4e-0026b97a63fb]