Feely, Richard A.


Workshop on particle compositions and fluxes in the ocean

tape_number: 12
notes: Workshop agenda in control file
whoi_av_id: Tape 63
full title: Workshop on particle compositions and fluxes in the ocean, tape 12
media_type: Tape
original_description: Speakers G. Rowe part 2, C. Lorenzen, R. Feely, W. Gardner part 1. Keywords: continental margin, Brookhaven National Laboratroy, carbon fluxes, sediment trap, biochemical transport processes

Workshop on particle compositions and fluxes in the ocean

tape_number: 12
notes: Workshop agenda in control file
whoi_av_id: Tape 63
full title: Workshop on particle compositions and fluxes in the ocean, tape 12
media_type: Tape
original_description: Speakers G. Rowe part 2, C. Lorenzen, R. Feely, W. Gardner part 1. Keywords: continental margin, Brookhaven National Laboratroy, carbon fluxes, sediment trap, biochemical transport processes