Miscellaneous data microfilm

box: 1
partial content list: 1
notes: 22 film rolls - Crossgrain, sonobuoy seismic reflecttions, 3.5 kHz bathymetry, magnetics; Aries, Cato, Scan, Styz - navigation plots & listings, reflection airgun; sonobuoy (instrument) 3.5 khz echosounder (instrument) airgun (instrument) Aries (platform) Cato (platform) Scan (platform) Styz (platform) Normark, Holcomb, Drake, Pickthorn, Marlow, Torresan, Shor, Clague, Hampton, Kayan, McGregor, Kappel; Scripps ARIA02WT, ARIA01WT, BNTH06MV - reflection & processed dual channel Scripps Institute of Oceanography (organization) Holcomb (person) Drake (person) Pickthorn (person) Marlow (person) Torresan (person) Shor (person) Clague (person) Hampton (person) Kayan (person) McGregor (person) Kappel (person) Sent over by Ralph Stephen who took over Von Herzen\'s old office
provenance: Ralph Stephen/Accession 2006-09
subjects: Echo sounding.
subjects: Echo sounders
subjects: Magnetics
subjects: miscellaneous data microfilm
subjects: Seismology.
subjects: Seismic reflection method
subjects: Sonobuoys
subjects: Airgun
subjects: Bathymetry
subjects: navigation plots & listings
related subjects: Scan
related subjects: Styx
related subjects: R/V Aries
related subjects: Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
related subjects: Cato
geographic coverage: tahita
geographic coverage: Easter Island