Collection: Data InventoryCruise: USS Chain, Cruise CN51-01, 1965-08-24 to 1965-08-31USS Chain, Cruise CN51-01, 1965-08-15 to 1965-08-23USS Chain, Cruise CN51-01, 1965-08-07 to 1965-08-14USS Chain, Cruise CN51-01, 1965-07-22 to 1965-08-06Ship/Vehicle: USS ChainDate Created: 1965-07-22 to 1965-08-31media: Film - Stills 35mm BW 4 reelsmedia: color 2 reelsmedia: Magnetic tape (audio?) 1/4" - 1 11" reelnotes: ATNW - Sargasso Sea, Blake Plateaucruise/dive: 51Items: 35mm (4 reels)35mm (2 reels)Magnetic tape (audio?) 1/4" (1 11" reel)