Collection: Data InventoryCruise: R/V Bear, Cruise 113C, 1955-02-10 to 1955-02-14R/V Bear, Cruise 113B, 1955-02-09 to 1955-02-09R/V Bear, Cruise 113I, 1955-04-06 to 1955-04-06R/V Bear, Cruise 113, 1955-02-28 to 1955-03-11R/V Bear, Cruise 113H, 1955-03-23 to 1955-04-03R/V Bear, Cruise 113E, 1955-02-20 to 1955-02-26R/V Bear, Cruise 113, 1955-02-15 to 1955-02-18R/V Bear, Cruise 113L, 1955-04-13 to 1955-04-21R/V Bear, Cruise 113G, 1955-03-14 to 1955-03-21R/V Bear, Cruise 113K, 1955-04-08 to 1955-04-10R/V Bear, Cruise 113N, 1955-04-23 to 1955-05-04R/V Bear, Cruise 113M, 1955-04-22 to 1955-04-22R/V Bear, Cruise 113J, 1955-04-07 to 1955-04-08R/V Bear, Cruise 113A, 1955-01-31 to 1955-02-05Ship/Vehicle: R/V BearDate Created: 1955-01-31 to 1955-05-04media: Magnetic tape (audio?) (1/2") - 1 10" reelnotes: ATNW & CARcruise/dive: 113Items: Magnetic tape (audio?) (1/2") (1 10" reel)